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Meanwhile... back at Star Labs

Ronnie was in the training room, using the punching bags. He usually never got so angry. The last time he was this frustrated was when Stein kept him and Caitlin apart when they were trapped in each other, four years ago.

Ronnie just didn't want to think. He needed to let go of some steam, without firing up. And quite frankly, he didn't know what to think. He loved Caitlin, with every single ounce of his soul, he would do anything for her including risking his life in order to save the world for her. But at the same time, at that moment he was so angry at her. They had obviously had gotten into couple fights before the worlds turned, but never anything like this. 

"Ronald," Martin said entering the training room. 

"Kind of busy, professor," Ronnie mumbled, continuing to pummel the punching bag. 

"Yes, I see you are busy... releasing your anger on a hanging bag of grain like a testosterone fueled adolescent."

"What do you want Stein?" Ronnie said more calmly as he stepped back from the bag, taking his gloves off. 

"I'm here to listen to what you want, what you want to talk about. Rather than throwing yourself at punching bags," Stein replied. 

"I don't know what I want..." Ronnie replied taking a seat beside Stein. "I just know everything sucks right now. I mean, what's going on with her? We were fine before the singularity."

"Well Ronald, life tends to suck sometimes. I sure we all have learned that over the past few years. But I know Caitlin has especially come to realize in the time you were gone."

"Yeah, I know. You're right... But hasn't it been a long enough time apart, does she just not love me anymore?" Ronnie questioned. 

"I know that definitely is not the case, Ronald," Stein replied surely. "I may not know what is going on in Dr. Snow's mind in all of this, but I do know this. Time doesn't stop in order to let you heal, it will keep on going throwing things at you relentlessly." 

Ronnie sat silent for a second taking in Stein's words. He had now just come to realize while he had been floating unconscious in the Temporal Zone for the past few years, Caitlin was still going through life in Central City doing god knows what and going through god knows what kind of crap their lives put them through. 

"Well, I'll leave you up to do whatever," Stein said standing up, "I am well overdue for some time with my daughter and grandson." Stein left leaving Ronnie in his thoughts.


Well... How was it? Sorry for the inconsistent updates and short chapters, I'm trying my best.


Anyone else in love with the Stein/dad/wise man/Yoda dynamic?

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