(23): Second Chance (.___.)

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Song of the song: Gamamochichi---- ahh! I mean 'Wrong,

The song isn't involve the main plot of the chapter... I just wanna say that... I love this song and this deserves a more more more listeners!!!!


All of the relationship had experienced second chance...maybe some of the broken couples doesn't do
second chance because once is once but maybe....

America :

You are in the Park... Alone... You're waiting... To someone... You really don't know who it was.. It's a random number... That texted you 'y/n... Meet me at the park' and you though it was one of your friends pranked you by buying a new sim card... You were about to leave when someone held your elbow.. Forcing you to look at the person... It was a random guy who had a build body... He had an eyepatch to his left eye.. "Hi cutie.. What are you doing in here alone? Did you know that it's not good for a woman like you" "shut the fck up asshole... Now let me go" "no... I won't give this opportunity up... I'll make sure you'll have fun..." He said dragging you to the woods "HELP----" before you could shout more he covered your mouth "shushuh pretty girl... You can shout again... With pleasure..." Before he could take your clothes off... Someone hold his arm and twisted it.. Which it almost cause his bones to break after that the guy ran.. You looked at the European who just saved you... It's America.. "No one will take your innocence... Except me" he said smirking.. He handed you his hand as you reached it and he helped you stood up "sorry that I was late" he said scratching his nape.. "Idiotic Capitalist! It was you! What if I already got rape?! What are you gonna do then? Huh!" You shouted punching his shoulders "I'm sorry! I ran out of gas and it's really traffic in here in new york" "idiot!" You said pouting as you crossed your arms... "I Just wanna ask... If... Can I have your second chance... I promise.. I treat you like a queen of America! I know this isn't england but please... I'll treat you my queen... The goddess queen I ever met! I'll do anything you wanted" you looked at him shocked... "W-Wha---" "just please... Please please please... Give me another chance... I've been lonely this past year... I always spaced out during meeting... Please y/n..." You rolled your eyes and looked at him "fine! This is because you saved me from that creepy guy and also! Prove it to me that you deseve the second chance!" You said flipping your hair... "Yes y/n! I love you!" He said carrying you into a brodal style "one day you'll be my bride and you'll carry my child..." He said smirking while a tint of pink brushed on his face... "Fck you" you said looking away from him while you're blushing mess

Russia :

You are in the bar.. Doing your job as a DJ... While the party lovers are dancing like wild animals... Your friends are in the Bar too... Joining the others to dance in the dance floor... And sometimes... You shout and they shout what you shouted... Until you saw someone.. You've been dreaming all night... The man who cheated at you but you still love... Russia... It feels like the only people in the bar was you and Russia as the other people started to fade away... You whook your head and you went back to the reality... You realized that everyone was staring at you because of the music that stops... A tall big man walks in the middle of the crowd as the crowd gave him a path straight to you... It feels like time goes slower and slower... Until he got infront of you standing like a true lover boy... Some of the crowd squeal a little and some of them just watched... "Hey y/n.... I saw you... Last night here... And I wondered... I would surprise you with something... Necessary " he said scrubbing the back of his neck as you crossed your arms "Fun Fact.... I don't care" you said rolling your eyes... Trying hard to get for him... "Oh, don't be too harsh to me y/n" "and who said that you are allowed to tell me that I don't need to be harsh to you... If I want to be harsh then I would... I would do everything I want without commanding me" you said looking at him... As he smiled at you "ohhh~ so... This is your job all over the year?~" he said with a flirthy tone and him getting more closer to you... And he.. Touched your shoulders softly... "The more I look at your clothes... The more I want you.... Babe~" he said getting a little more closer.. And you backed away from him "tsk, don't call me that... We broke up... A year ago" you said glaring at him... Forgetting that you still love him... "Awe... That means I have a second chance? Then I'll take that as a yes" he said smirking as you looked at him.. Widen eyes because he didn't even wait for your answer...

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