Chapter 8: Exams

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What happened so far...
Gen and his group have chosen names and after the others in their class were off to their internships the group hasd to learn over that one week, now it is time for exams.

3rd person pov

After the exams were announced the class did go into a state of hysteria, some because of excitement and some because they aren't the least bit prepared and they don't have very long until the written exam is held. Mina and Luke are part of the second group but with their happy-go-lucky personalities they don't really take it serious, unlike Kaminari who is terrified without end. But that's how a week of learning begins for class 1-A and with the exception of Gen and his group the others have the possibilities to actually learn together, Luke is trying to get Gen or Kaede to learn with him and D, but his brother everything but helpful.

Kaede:" Luke, you and D will have to learn for yourselves, Gen has done so and I did it to, if you have problems with anything you can ask us, but we can't learn for you."

He whimpers and trys to get her to help him by using puppy-dog-eyes, but sadly for him she is already occupied by Eri, who Kaede is playing around with. Gen on the other hand is again reading a book and D is actually learning, so Luke decides to learn with his brother since they are in the same boat and as the dreaded day comes closer the class seems to get more and more chaotic so Aizawa sends let's them have free time to properly prepare for the exam, although many guess that he just wanted them away so he could sleep in the classroom.

As the day of the exams is there the students are for most parts nervous, this does not include Gen, Kaede, Todoroki and Bakugo, but on the other hand Kaminari and Mina seem very nervous while D and Luke are only midly concerned and that for a good reason, because as soon as the first exam starts Gen is immediately marking answers on his paper, the questions are simple and with his photographic memory he can answer them all in a matter of seconds before just leaning back on his chair and waiting.

Since they aren't allowed to leave before all have finished those that did will have to stay and that leads to a lot of boredom. D is sleeping, Gen is just sitting on his chair drawing something, Kaede is amusing herself with the fa t that those that don't know answers look like they might pass out at some point and Luke is just looking around for something interesting, which makes him look at Mina and chuckle at the fact that she looks like she just pulled an all-nighter. For two more days the class has to sit through these exams, but they manage to get through it.

The next day has some surprises for the class, mainly that Gen has the most points, Momo actually only has one point less then him. Kaede is fifth just before Todoroki, D actually managed to get up to the tenth place and Luke is on the fifteenth.

Mineta:" *sarcastically* There is also a physical exam, that will be tough."

Kaminari:" Don't be so smug, D managed to get before you and he learned reading and writing just a week before the exams was held."

The class has multiple ideas what the practical exam will be like, some asked older students and got the info that they will fight bots like in the entrance exam.

Gen:" I think that is not the case."

Midoriya:" What do you mean?"

Gen:" So far we, or even just you, have fought villains on a pretty regular basis, so it would make more sense to have us team up and fight real people and my guess is that we will go against the teachers."

Aizawa:" Your speculations will have to wait, follow me."

As they do many things about what Gen said, it is true that from all the classes theirs has been attacked by villains regularly, but before they can think about it any longer they arrive at the same place where they had their entrance exam and their teachers are standing in front of it.

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