Chapter 4

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I gave up. I can't bare more of this pain for nothing. What's the point of all this? What am I supposed to achieve going back to my ancestors?

While I was lost in thought, I heard a voice that came from nowhere. Sky, ground, walls, people, even Salazar began to disrupt; the image started to cripple, now I could hear it clearer.

"Memory desynchronize"

"Memory sequences overwrite"

"Ejection from program imminent"

"Ahhh!!!" I snapped on the bed. The pain in my chest was unbearable but when I looked at it; nothing was there.

"Are you alright!? Can you hear me? Come on, respond dammit!" she said. "We've been deceived come on we are getting out of here!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"No time to explain just follow me and take this, you might need it if we get compromised." She said, while handing me a sword.

"A sword!? What!? Are we going to kill people?" I shouted.

"If necessary, yes." she said calmly.

"But, I don't know how to fight! I mean, I've never gotten even into a fist fight; what do you expect me to do!?" I started to panic.

"Oh come on! You manage to fight your way through the guards all the way to Salazar; what's the difference? Actually the guards from today are fat and weak. I'm sure you'll pull through." she said. "Come no one is watching, it's our chance to sneak out of here."

We were getting close to the exit now. She knew her way around the place very well. This was going too smooth to be true. No guards, low security, no alarms. While we were approaching the exit she grab my hand and told me to be quiet. She was thinking the same thing I was, only that she wasn't surprise, she was anticipating this? She reached for her legs and pulled two knifes. I could feel the atmosphere changing very rapidly. She wave for me to check up on the exit. It was full of guards all waiting for us to appeared.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"What do you mean? I'm busting us out." she whispered back.

"What’s up with the knives? Was this the reason for me carrying this sword?" I asked scared.

"You are way too valuable for us to lose you. Just let's get out of here in one piece, then I'll explain. Check your hoodie, it has weapons if you don't like your sword." she said.

"What!?" I said.

I searched the hoodie. It was filled with throwing knives, flash bangs, grenades and some smoke bombs. I search the chest part and it had 2 Five-Seven.

"How come I have all this?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, I took the liberty of changing and modifying your clothing while you were inside the machine. Don't worry I only worked on your torso; I never took your pants off." she said smirking. "Oh and if you look at your ring finger you have a string attach to it, try pulling it.

As I pulled the string hidden knives popped out.

"Oh, my god!" I screamed.

Darn it! Now they knew we were there.

"Way to go, now they’re on to us!  Thanks for being such a woos, you only saw some blades." she said angry. "Never mind, now we fight! On three. One, Two... Three!!!"

The guards were prepared for us, but she was swiftly clearing them easily. While me... Yeah you guessed it, I'm already captured.

"Come on use the blades and escape!" she shouted.

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