Proposal (+ some designs)

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(Quick a/n thing. I'm basically France in here cuz I just wanna dress Germany up jfc-)

 I'm basically France in here cuz I just wanna dress Germany up jfc-)

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(This is his design for the chapter)

(This is his design for the chapter)

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(This was the old one)


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Russia sat on the chair and waited for someone to enter the room.

He tapped and fidgeted with his fingers impatiently as he was very certain who wanted to meet him.

Russia was just minding his own business in his cell until some guards dragged him out. He was told that someone wanted to meet him. The guards placed Russia in somewhat of an interrogation room with his hand's pinned to the table by magnetic enhanced cuffs.

There was a mirror to the side of the room. Beside that mirror was a metal door. Russia knew that someone was watching from behind that mirror. But he paid no mind to it. His only focus was on the door.

Finally the door clicked. It silently creaked open, revealing a fancy demon. Russia snickered, "What's with the dress up?" Germany ignored his comment and stomped to the table Russia's hands were pinned to. He slapped Russia as hard as he could muster and sat down on the chair across from Russia.

"Agh- What the fuck was that for?" Russia hissed. "For being an incompetent jerk," Germany stated. "A thank you would be nice." "I saved you first, I have nothing to thank you for." Germany mentioned. "Just get to the point. Why'd you even want to talk to me if you're still pissed?" Russia rolled his eyes.

"That is exactly the reason I want to speak with you. Because I'm pissed at you!" Germany slammed his hand on the table. "You're such a jerk and an idiot! Your illogical brain thought it'd be a good idea to anger my father and your stupid ego put us into this mess!" Germany explained. "Again, I was worried about you. I didn't mean to get both you and that beast pissed. And my ego has nothing to do with this. I was just telling the truth and I'm not scared to say it again!" Russia reasoned.

"Your father is gone. That beast is not him and will never be him again. Give it up, move on! The only reason that place still exist is because of your childish head dreaming in a world that will never happen!" Russia exclaimed.

"HE IS MY FATHER! It's not too late! He's still there!" Germany yelled back. "He hurt you!" "Because of you!" "Then why did you even tried to save me in the first place!?"

"BECAUSE I NEEDED A FRIEND!" Germany sobbed.

Russia was taken off guard, "Germany-" "My selfishness decided to let you stay and keep me company instead of focusing on my father. Because I'm such a selfish son I can't even take care of him!" Germany cried out and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

Russia glanced at his cuffed hands and struggled to get them off with no avail. He really wanted to comfort Germany.

"I'm so selfish, I don't deserve a father like him," Germany cried out again. "Germany, you know that's not true! You tried, but he's gone now. You need to let him go," Russia protested. "I can't..! I can't... it was all my fault. The least I could do... is to stay by his side..." Germany mumbled loud enough for Russia to hear.

"How is any of this your fault?" Russia complained. "B-because everyone hated me... because I couldn't be normal... my father lost his patience... all the anger and hatred he bottled up changed him. All because I was born like this.. this-.. disgrace!" Germany answered.

"Hey, look at me," Russia requested. Germany slowly and shakily turned to Russia. "Everyone doesn't hate you, Germany. Otherwise I wouldn't exist," Russia said, smiling sadly. Germany started crying again, wiping his tears with his already wet sleeve once more.

Russia felt the weight on his hands left. He moved his hands around a bit. The cuffs wouldn't go off but it didn't hold him back either. He looked to the mirror thinking someone was urging him to do something. Why else would they have deactivated the cuffs?

Russia slowly got up and kneeled by Germany's side. He wasn't really sure what he was doing but he hoped it would make Germany feel the slightest bit better. He placed a hand on his back, rubbing it gently.

"You lost your arm and lived half your life or somewhat in that forest on your own. I don't think you deserve just a friend. You deserve to live a free life where you can do anything. And you really deserve better than me," Russia stated. Germany pulled his sleeve away and looked at Russia. "N-no, you're... you're already the best I could ever ask for," Germany sniffled. "I'm not even sure how to comfort someone crying." "Well, imagine if I'm in your shoes instead."

The two snickered softly. Russia pulled Germany's veil up revealing Germany's tear stained face. Germany smiled sadly at Russia, Russia returning it back to Germany. "Thank you for that," Germany thanked, some more tears rolling down his cheeks once more. "And thank you for saving me and keeping me hidden all this time," Russia said, wiping away Germany's tears.

"What's with the getup anyway? Going to a party or something?" Russia asked, eyeing at Germany's clothes. "Someone gave them to me. She's been thinking of something for me to wear while I was unconscious. She even had the time to make this veil for me," Germany explained. "Ain't she a hard worker. It's only been half a week since I brought you here. And what happened to your horns?"

Germany was about to reply but was interrupted when the door opened. Germany and Russia looked towards the door to see that E.U had entered. "I see you both had finally calmed down," E.U stated. "Putting all that mushy stuff aside, I feel like now's the best time for me to speak before I lose it once more," E.U said.

"I have a proposal for you both."

The two in front of E.U stayed quiet and listened. "I'll let you both live freely in my kingdom, no purgatory, no cursed forest. A free life for each of you both," E.U started with a smile. "And in return?" Russia asked, he knew the price wouldn't be easy for something so good. "In return, you'll both slay the beast in whatever method you wish. And a detailed report of the beast, cursed forest and how it all started," E.U added, looking at Germany.

Russia and Germany looked at each other, as if telepathically discussing with one another. After a while Germany hesitantly nodded and Russia nodded back. They both look at E.U with determined eyes.

"We'll do it."

Beast (RusGer)(discontinued-)Where stories live. Discover now