chapter eight: The Mind Flayer (p2)

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*new outfit above^*

*(Y/N)'s POV:*
I woke up in Joyce's room with a sweater and jeans on the little side table next to her bed. I quickly changed out of my bloody clothes, seeing a new bandage wrapped on my thigh. 'That was definitely Joyce,' I thought to myself. I put on socks and my converse and walked to the living room, where everyone was arguing. I saw Dustin get a book and then say something about a 'Mind Flayer'

"What the hell is that?" Hopper asked.

"It's a monster from an unknown dimension," Dustin said as if everyone knew what the hell is was.

"Wait, wait. Like this thing is real? Is it controlling those demo-dogs or whatever they're called?" I jumped into the conversation.

"Yes, it is real and yes, it is controlling the demo-dogs. But it's also controlling Will," Dustin explained.

"So, like, what, isn't that from a kids game?" Hopper asked.

"D&D? I wouldn't say kids game but it's from the game," I crossed my arms. They went on arguing about the army of things and stuff and the. Joyce came out of nowhere.

"I want to kill it," She finally said.

"Me, too," I nodded at her.

"No-" I cut her off.

"Yes, me too. That thing killed my mom and is taking control over Will's body. I want revenge, just like you," I looked at her.

"But we don't know what we're dealing with here," Hopper started.

"No. But he does," Mike came over to us three, "If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it's Will."

"Because he's connected to it. He'll know it's weaknesses," I finished his sentence.

"I thought we couldn't trust him anymore?" Max said confused. "That he's a spy for the Mind Flayer now."

"Yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is," Mike replied to her. We started to prepare to make the garage look different. We put up covers and put bright lights in front of his face. We even had to get ammonia to wake him up from his mini coma thing.

I was with Steve, the kids (besides Mike and Will) and Nancy. Jonathan, Hopper, Joyce and Mike and Will were in the garage.

"So," I walked over to Steve.

"So," he looked at me. I wanted to ask him out but gosh boys can be so frustrating.

"Listen. I uh, you know, wanted to know if you, ummm, like cookies?" I asked him awkwardly.

"Uh yeah, who doesn't like cookies?" He laughed.

"Never mind. Scratch that. Okay. Here's the real question I have for you. Would you, maybe wanna-" I was cut off by Mike grabbing me and pulling me into the garage.

"What the hell, dude?" I yelled at him. He pointed at Will and whispered 'say something to him, he wanted you.'

"Hey, Will," I walked over to him. "Listen, we might not have ever been super close or had many memories, but do you remember when I came over that one time in pajamas at 3 in the morning because you wanted to talk to me? Or the time I visited you in the hospital. Do you remember that? Or what about when we drew that one time when I came over your house and then we painted and I got paint all over my shirt? Will, please come back, please everyone misses you. Your mom and brother. Mike. Everyone does. I do, too," I tried to do something and I just kept trying to remind him of memories. Then Mike came up behind me and told me to go back to Dustin and help him with some stuff.

I was walking back when Steve caught me off guard.

"Hey, uh we need to talk," I told him.

"What about?" He looked uneasy.

"Well, remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend? Well it doesn't feel like we're dating. I mean like we've kissed but we never really talked about our relationship." I confessed.

"We can talk about it after this all blows over, okay?" Steve just said like what I just said didn't even matter.

I scoffed, "Okay, whatever. We can talk later." I was pissed to say the least.

I was helping Dustin write down letters from what Will was spelling out in Morse code. Everyone now came back from the shed and now we were all trying to figure out what he was saying.

"Here?" I asked.

"It looks like Will is still here, and he's talking to us," Hopper bit his nails. They went back into the shed to try and talk to Will more and get more information.

"Close gate?" We all said, not understanding what it meant.

~ Time Skippy hehe (ew) ~

We were all standing in front of the door, weapons in hand and ready to fight whatever it was that was angling on the door to try to get in. Just the a demo-dog came crashing in the window, but it was already dead. Then the lock fiddled and was unlocked.

The door opened, and I saw her walking in. It was her after all this time. And she was walking with someone.

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath.

Ahahahahhah!! We all know who's back but... who is she with? I'm trying to get this done with so quickly so I can get to season 3 but my fingers hurt lmao. See ya soon ~ Crixbabyy 💖💖

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