White wings make you fly Ch.6

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Chapter 6: Aiden

I followed the fairies on foot for the rest of the day until I lay down exhausted unable to go on. I was too tired to even be frightened about what may or may not be in the woods. I'm not sure how long I slept but by the time I woke the sun was high in the sky.

 The fairy lights stayed with me all through the night, when I finally woke they where dancing above my eyes in plain daylight. I was thankful they hadn't left; otherwise I'd be lost to the woods. Although that was the only good thing about waking; everything about my body ached, what disturbed me the most however, was my stomach.

The only bit of food I had was some dried meat and a biscuit (which was nothing like the one I ate to make my wings disappear), not exactly a meal but enough to tide me over perhaps. I ate it slowly, knowing I had nothing left as I began to follow the fairy lights again. I was cold, but at least I wasn't as cold as I was the day before, though it didn't keep me from shaking as I walked.

The lights twirled around me lazily, one and then the other, one always leading the way and switching with the other. Yawning I started to look at the mushrooms and other such vegetation walking slower, no one said I had to rush to my destiny after all. If it's destiny, what will happen, will happen. Perhaps if I was careful I might find something edible, I've heard stories about people surviving in the woods. Then again I had also heard horrible tragic stories as well, as long as the fairy lights guided me I supposed I was safe, they knew where they where going.

At least that's what I was sure of until they lead me to a very large tree and lead me around it about six times. "This is it?" I asked looking at them; they both flew up and down eagerly. "This is my destiny?" Again they flew up and down excitedly. "A tree!? Are you serious? A tree in the middle of trees is where you lead me?"

They both shook and buzzed and flew around excitedly. I looked up at them, I wasn't sure whether to laugh, or cry. Of course I was stupid enough to run off and be lead to a Tree. The Seer was cryptic but I should have looked a little harder. I sat at the base of the tree as tears seeped out of my eyes. I was so stupid to think I could just do as I pleased the moment I stepped out of that castle, likely I would die out here and it was entirely my fault.

I was a slave at heart; I couldn't be outside of the castle walls. One small grain of freedom and I had ruined my whole life. I was going to die out here, all because I felt like Emilio was controlling me just for speaking to that cloaked man. For all I knew the man, being a cursed one meant he was a killer or something.

Completely defeated I leaned back against the tree, and fell backwards because it had disappeared from behind me. All there was was the grass I hit my head on when I fell. Shaking my head I looked forward, all I saw was trees but they seemed brighter then they where a moment ago and thinner.

The fairy lights twirled above my head lazily, and then even more of them appeared twinkling here and there in the leaves. "Where am I...?"

"A place of sorrow," Came a voice behind me "I am Aiden, you are safe here."


"Don't speak of your troubles; it's all behind you now." He replied jumping down with a soft grace. "We welcome you with open arms my friend." When he jumped down what struck me most was the scar on his right eye, it looked as if a large bird came up and clawed him. His eyes where bright and blue, his hair almost as pale and silver as my own but only half as long tied back into a pony tail. Something about him seemed soft and caring, but I wondered how off I was.

"No, you see I don't have troubles; I-"

"You must have many troubles if you're here; very few ever make it here. You followed the fairy lights, they where made to help people or find someone who may help us."

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