*Still (y/n)s pov*

As I was eating Lily asked why I looked tired.

"Just didn't sleep well, no reason," I said boredly. Lily nodded and went back to eating. I realized that we had been here for about a month. (I actually don't remember so please pretend)

I laugh along when the others make a joke but this just doesn't feel real. Like I can tell the others have gotten used to living here, but it seems to good to be true for me. Like anything can go wrong. I already know the hunters can get around so who's to say the others can't.

I'm still stuck to survival instincts and won't adjust. It's like I don't know how to live normally. Then I realize that I haven't even thought of my life before the infected that much. I barely remember my friends. Even the ones that were like a second family.

I also seem unattached from my new friends. Like the only reason I was with them was because I needed to survive. I try and quickly stop my thoughts from spiraling but it was to late.

I begin tho think that they don't even like me. That they were just using me. And now that they don't need me they are gonna leave.

"Look at the loser" Daydream(daymare) Lily said.

"Yeah can barely survive without us, pathetic" Kyle said. The other laughed with him.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" I snapped out of my Daydream like state to miles asking me that. I nodded and went back to eating.

They all just shrug and go back to their conversation. Soon I finish lunch and excuse myself going to the hunters. When I left the room I realized just how loud it was in there. Now it's easier to calm down.

I think about life, just in general, and realize that I don't know much about the others.

Like I know more about the infected than I know about them. With this horrible discovery I walk toward the hunters cage. When they see, or smell, me they went to the glass. I smile softly, and think that they remind me so much of dogs that it's not even funny.

When thinking this I giggle because I remember a dog that I had. She was the cutest. She was a pitbull and wasn't even remotely harmful to others. I got her when I was a young child and she died before the infected stuff went down.

I wondered if there were still animals. I would like a dog or cat, maybe even both. It would be pretty cool to have an animal, but I would be scared it would get eaten or something.

Turning my attention back to the hunters I smiled softly. They tried to return the action. Key word, tried. It looked more like a sinister, I wanna kill you, smile but at least they tried.

I opened up the cage and walked in.

"Hey," I said quietly. They looked confused and came up to me. At first I got a little worried but then dropped it remembering last night. I could(most likely) trust them considering they haven't attacked me yet when they had so many chances.

I glanced down then looked back up at them. I smiled. A smile that basically said 'i'm fine guys don't worry'. They looked unconvinced but left it alone none the less. They smiled back at me. This one looked less sinister but it still didn't look friendly.

We talked a bit and I wrote down anything new found out. Like how like other infected they can see in the dark, but better than the others. All except the Witches. Which makes sense considering the witch doesn't like light. I also found out how high they could jump. I started keeping a journal with how well their talking had improved.

By dinner time I was in a better mood than when I had woken up. The infected are nice company if you're on their good side. I met up with the boys and decided to try to start a conversation.

"Sooooo.... How are you guys with your infected?" I decided to ask. They just shrugged. I looked down. Maybe they were just in a bad mood because of something. Lily then came to our group. The boys smiled at her and started to talk.

So, I'm guessing an X on the bad mood.

"Um, guys?" I asked slightly down. The boys looked back annoyed but then realized something.

"Oh, it you. I'm so sorry. Ava had been trying to get at us and, while you don't sound like her, we didn't recognize that it was you," Kyle said. I giggled softly. Glad to know they weren't purposefully ignoring me.

"So, how are you guys doing with the infected?" I asked again.

"Well, I am doing good. They seem to like me. I'm pretty sure Jockey is trying to talk. I don't know, though," Kyle said.

I nodded and went to get food. When I came back the others were talking about life before.

"Yeah, I had a wonderful girlfriend," I heard Lily say. I smile.

"What was her name?" I ask.

"Serenity," She replied "And she was the best. I miss her. I haven't seen her since before this started. She out on a trip. She was a doctor, and she knew how to tell I was pregnant. She was the one to give me ultrasounds. Of course I chose to get pregnant."

I smiled. It was nice knowing she had a partner. I honestly didn't care if she was part of the lgbt+ group. The others agreed. Especially since most of human kind is dying out we don't really have enough to be racist, sexist, homophobic or anything like that.

I never was like that even before.

When dinner was done we walked to our places. Lily had told us more.

We all said goodnight and slept.

The Tests (Hunter pack x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now