Chaper 4: Wrong right

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Ashley's P.O.V.

Will's car pulls up and we climb inside and when I settle in and get comfy and ready to sleep I start thinking about everything that happened with Ian. I was almost asleep but I could hear everyone surrounding me. Madison was giving Will directions, and Ian was listening to his rap music. It wasn't bad actually. Minutes after, I finally drifted into sleep. Six hours later, I wake up on top of Ian's chest; I try my best not to wake him up. Will asking me if everything is fine, interrupts me. And I reply, "I am fine. The one who isn't going to be fine is you. If you hurt Madison, I will fucking cut your balls off. She is been through A LOT." He starts laughing and then I ask him "Will, where the hell are we?!" "Honestly, I DON'T KNOW! Madison fell asleep." He quietly replies and I start freaking out. Wait, first I have to take a picture of Madison asleep; she looks like a dead alien. "She looks like an angel when she sleeps. Don't worry, I'll never hurt her." He tells me. "Keep your eyes on the road." I reply. I settle back into my chair and look out the window.

*15 minutes later*

"Will! We have passed the same street like three times." I yell waking Madison up.

Ian's P.O.V.

I wake up to see Madison scolding Will for taking the wrong turn. How comic. "They have been like that for almost half an hour" Ashley notifies me. "They look perfect." I say and leave the car and interfered their pointless discussion. "GUYS! Stop fighting over a freaking turn! It is really dark out here. Why don't we just go to a hotel for a night and tomorrow we continue the trip?" I say loudly and Ashley gets out of the car to support my suggestion. I stand beside her and wait for Will and Madison's reply. "I am fine as long as Will is okay with it." Madison says. "I am fine as long as YOU are okay with it!" Will quickly replies. We all get into the car and Ashley starts searching for a hotel near by. She makes a few calls and then finally finds one. She reads the adress out loud and minutes later we pull up at a decent-looking hotel.

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