Chapter 1 -The New Girl

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(This is what I look like)

Hey, my name is Angelia but, my friends call me Angel

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Hey, my name is Angelia but, my friends call me Angel. I just moved here and its my first day of 7th grade at my new school. But, don't worry I have it all under control. You see, my mom and dad are divorced. Ever, since my dad has never been the same. He always gets fired from his job, and then we can't afford to pay the rent anymore so we move and buy a new house. Its like the watercycle it happens over and over again. So, much that he never pays attention to me anymore. But, unlike my dad, my mom is a very wealthy bussiness women who sends my Dad 100 dollars every month. While she sends me $300. Which means I can afford a lot of nice clothes to wear. Anyway, enough about my backstory. Let's get into the good part.

I look at myself in the mirror. Is this the outfit I wanna wear? Or should change? Ugh! This is so fustrating. You may be wondering why I'm freaking out right now. But, the thing is, first day of school outfits are a BIG deal!! It reflects the type if person you are and who you are going to be for the rest of the year. But, the standards are even higher for me because I'm the new girl!

Ring! Ring!

I pick up my phone to see my best friend Isabella calling me.

Me: Hello?

Isabella: Heyy, Gurl! What's up?

Me: Nothing much. I'm just tryin' to pick out my first day of school outfit.

Isabella: Ooh, Remember that birthday present I told you not to open until the first day of school?

Me: Um, yeah. What about it?

Isabella: Well, because I'm a good bestie, I figured you wouldn't know what to wear to school. So, I got you an outfit.

Me: OMG!! Are you seriously?

Isabella: Yup!

Me: Ok, thanks! Talk to you later. BYE!!

Isabella: Bye!

I hung up my phone and crawled under my bed to get the last year birthday present. I opened the box to see the best first day of school outfit EVER!! I put it on and look in the mirror. I slay, but something in missing. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on. Now, I'm ready!

(This outfit was picked out by my late best friend when we were working on this book together

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(This outfit was picked out by my late best friend when we were working on this book together. She loved big mouth so this character is kind of based off of her. If you have a problem with this outfit then you are more than welcomed to leave❤️)

I ran downstairs to see my dad passed out on the floor with liquor on his hand I walked over him and grabbed my flower backpack. "Bye, dad. I'm going to school," I said as I walked out the door. But, I don't think he heard me. As, I was walking I got out my phone to see if Isabella texted me. I laughed when I saw the Tik Tok video she sent me. Classic Isabella. I was about to send her a video of a cat playing a piano when I bumbed into someone and fell down. Ow! I rubbed my head. I reached for my phone to see someone else's hand touching mine. I blushed and quickly moved it away. I look up to see a tan skin guy with spicky black hair with Brown eyes. He looked pretty hot.

"Sorry, for knocking you down," he said as he gave me hand. I accepted as he pulled me off the ground.

"No need to say sorry. It was my fault," he chuckled which made me smile.

"Hey, um, I never seen you around here before. Are you new to town?" He asked.

"Yeah, my dad got a new job. So, here I am,"

"Anyway, after knocking you over I think I should introduce myself. My name is Jay. And yours is?"

"My name is Angelina. But, my friends call me Angel,"

"Angel, I like that name," he said. Hmm, I like this guy. Maybe I should mess with him to see what he's made of.

"Who's you can call me Angel," I said putting my hand on my hip.

"Oh, um, well, You said your friends call you Angel,"

"Oh, so, were friends now," I moved closer to him.

"Um, I guess so. I-I m-mean if t-that's what you wanna be," he said stuttering. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Chillax, I'm just messing with you. Of course were friends. But, I should get going or else I'd be late for school"

"Oh, I'm going to school to, Wait, what school are you gping to," he asked.

"Um, Brigeton Middle School," I said.

"No way! That's the school I go to,"



"Well, can you walk with me there," I asked.

"Um, sure,"

Big Mouth (Jay x New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now