Chapter 15

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I was sitting alone with Coach Steve in my first-period class. I came early today because I wanted to avoid Jay. I was confused about my feelings. Not to mention I lied to Jessi about having a boyfriend. I sighed. I feel like garbage. At least we have a field trip today. I see both Nick and Andrew walk into the classroom together. 'I guess they made up,' I thought to myself.

"Hey, Andrew! Nick!" I say, motioning them to come over.

"Hey, Angel," Nick said, sitting next to me. 

"How's Jessi?" I ask Nick.

"Uh-well-I-" Nick's stuttering made me giggle. I then turned to Andrew.

"How's Missy?" I ask him.

"She's doing f-fine,"

I smiled. I know I was being a bit mean. But at least I'm not the only one who is confused with my feelings. It made me happier. It made me feel less like garbage. I continued to ask them countless questions about Missy and Jessi until Nick caught on to what I was doing.

"Why don't you tell us about Jay?" Nick asked, with a smirk on his face. I gulped. Not going to lie, but that caught me off guard.

"W-What about him?" I asked, nervously. Andrew caught onto what Nick was doing and joined in.

"Did you have fun with him at the dance?" Andrew asked.

"Not as much fun as you had with Missy," I clap back. Seeing Andrew's shocked expression made me laugh.

"I don't get it," Nick said, confused. "What's so funny?"

"I'll tell you later," I reply.

"Please don't," Andrew said, covering his face in embarrassment.

I noticed Jay walking into class making eye contact with me. I quickly turned my head and looked the other way. I'm going to avoid Jay until I sort out my feelings. "Um, I'm gonna head to the restroom quickly," I say, grabbing my back.

"Okay," Nick and Andrew said in sync.

I nodded my head and ran out of the classroom. When I arrived at the bathrooms that were just near the classroom I powered on my phone to see I had 20 unread messages from Jay. I hesitantly clicked on the notification.

Jay: Hey, did u leave the dance?

Jay: Where R U?

Jay: Y did U leave without telling me?

I clicked off of our text messages. I didn't want to read anymore. I sit down on the bathroom floor, pull my legs up against my chest, and rest my head on my knees. Maria appeared and sat next to me.

"Sugar Plum, why in the hell are you sitting on a bathroom floor? You already know there's a bunch of piss on it,"

"I'm used to it. Haven't you ever seen my dad drunk?"

"No, but he can't be worse than Maurice," Maria replied. "Oooh, he tends to get excited when he's drunk,"

"Eww," I say, grossed out.

"You should see me when I'm on tequila,"

"You're not helping,"

"I'm still confused on why you're so upset. If you like him, then you like him. It's nothing to feel upset about,"

"But, I just met him,"

"Just date him. I'm sure he feels the same way,"

"I feel like I'm too young. Besides, even if we did -what if we broke up- it would ruin our relationship,"

"You are very mature for your age," Maria complimented.

"I don't feel mature,"

A/N: I know I said I would do 2000 words but Wattpad wouldn't let me upload the full chapter. So I'll just post it in parts. Please don't hate me! Despite the inconvenience I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 😘

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