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You wake up to hear Luke t talking

"Did anyone try any positions from the challenge?" He asks making you laugh and then the boys all get out of bed

"I want to know how busy you're going to be today" you smirk at Jess and then she talks about how it's all going and then you talk to Demi about Nas and then you go to get ready and help Paige with her hair

"I want to know how busy you're going to be today" you smirk at Jess and then she talks about how it's all going and then you talk to Demi about Nas and then you go to get ready and help Paige with her hair

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While getting ready Wallace comes up the stairs with a plate

"Is Rebecca about is she?" He asks

"Oh my god" you gasp and he leaves it on the table as she's brushing her teeth

"I don't like avocado" she whispers to you all as Wallace leaves

"Are you not going to eat it?" Jess asks

"Absolutely not" she says and then mike comes up

"Demi would you like to join me?" He asks her

"I would love to" she laughs and he takes her away probably to Nas and then you and Paige go out and sit on the bean bags to enjoy the sun and then some more people come

"If you could choose what would you say your favourite month of the year is?" You ask just wondering

"July" Callum says

"May is a good month" Demi says and while you're talking about it your phone bleeps

"I've got a text" you say

"Aww fuck" Callum mutters under his breath

"Islanders, it's time to sort out the wieners from the losers in today's couples challenge. Oktobersesh! # pitcher perfect # silly sausages" you read out making everyone cheer, some of the boys even jump in the pool.

You and the girls are given outfits to wear as you head to the challenge area and the boys are given outfits too.

As you reach the challenge area you stand In your couples and Callum puts his arm over your shoulder.

The first part of the challenge, the boys have to pour beer into glasses that the girls are holding except they have to throw it at you

"You're shit!" You shout at Callum jokingly as he is barley getting any in your glasses.

Paige and fin win. Luke M and Jess, Sophie and mike loose therefore they are out.

For round two the boys have strap on harnesses on with large poles on them, the girls have to throw pretzels on them

"You are ridiculous," Callum says as he rubs his hands over his face making you laugh as you still haven't got any pretzels on yet "come on!" He shouts in the end you both end up loosing as you got none therefore you and Callum are out

"It's all came down to Y/N's throwing and she knows that, she just won't admit it that's where we went wrong" Callum says as you shake your head jokingly

"It was his fault" you say with a cute smile

The other couples do the rest of the challenge while you, Callum, Luke M, Jess, Sophie and mike all cheer everyone on, you mainly cheering on Paige.

In the end Paige and fin won making you clap.
Once you get back to the villa you and the girls go up to get ready

As you head outside nas takes hold of your hand and then you grab a drink as you all cheers

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As you head outside nas takes hold of your hand and then you grab a drink as you all cheers.

You then go to sit with Sophie

"What's it like to be in love?" She teases you

"Fuck off" you say playfully as you take a bite of the biscuit you're holding

"Because obviously you slipped up last night as well" she says rolling her eyes jokingly

"I did not slip up last night" you say

"You told me that you loved him" she carries on

"I did not" you reply

"Do you see yourself being his girlfriend?" She asks making you all giggly and you look over to him and nod at her

"Yeah" you say

"I can't tell if he's looking at us" Sophie says as you turn around slightly to face Callum

"He is" you tell her

A while later you go to sit on the sofa with Callum, Demi, Wallace and Luke M When nas gets a text

"I've got a text!" He shouts "Islanders, tonight each couple most vote for the two least compatible couples. Those who receive the most votes risk being dumped from the island. You most now discuss in your couples who you are going to choose and then submit your decision by text. You most not discuss your decision with anyone else. # don't hold back # judgment day" nas reads out and you look at Callum who's already looking at you in shock.

Callum takes your hand and leads you down to the sofa where you discuss your options

"So its between Rebecca and Wallace, Mike and Soph and Luke and Jess" Callum says

"It's awful" you say and then you make an agreement and send the text, you go for Rebecca and Wallace and Luke M and Jess.

You shake Callum's hand jokingly

"Pleasure doing business with you" you say with a wink

"For once" he says making you gasp jokingly and then you head off to bed and cuddle Callum.

What do you think will happen between Y/n and Callum during casa amor? x

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