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You're awoken by the bright lights as always and you're wrapped in Callum's arms and then you feel something heavy on you do you open your eyes to see nas has climbed on top of you both and hugs you making you laugh and hug back, you then get out of bed to go and get ready for the day

You're awoken by the bright lights as always and you're wrapped in Callum's arms and then you feel something heavy on you do you open your eyes to see nas has climbed on top of you both and hugs you making you laugh and hug back, you then get out ...

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"How are we all feeling then?" Leanne asks

"Yeah I had a good night, he's a good kisser" you tell the girls and they smile for you and then Connagh asks Sophie if she wants a tea and she says yeah and then you go out and have a chat with nas for a while

"I know what my type is" he says

"A pulse, alive?" you say making him chuckle

"That would be a great start," he says "she is short, tanned" he says as he lifts weights

"You're describing yourself" you tell him

"Am I? If there's a female version of me I wouldn't say no" he says making you laugh and he does some star Jumps as you both sing and then you leave and find Callum on the bed inside with Leanne and mike on the bed beside him

"I didn't think I'd come in here on the first day and couple up with someone that I get along with as we do" Callum says as he nudges your arm with his elbow making you smile and then Leanne gets a text making the four of you squeal

"I got a flipping text!" Leanne says as she sits up "Ahhh," she squeals as she reads it "mike and Leanne it's time for you to go on your first date . Please get ready to leave the villa #  hands on # catch feels" Leanne reads as mike cheers and you and Callum clap smiling, Mike jumps on Callum making you laugh and you both give Leanne a hug, Mike then runs you the stairs to tell everyone which you find cute.

You and the girls go to the dressing room with Leanne to get her ready, you do her makeup and then she meets mike and gets ready to go and then they leave so you all head out and chat to each other.

You're all sitting outside when you see mike and Leanne come back looking cheery so it must've been a good date.

You give them both a hug and then you and the girls chat to Leanne about the date and the boys take mike and she told you that they were giving each other massages and then Siannise gets a text

"Islanders tonight you'll be getting each others hearts racing in a boys vs girls challenge, Dirty Dancers # dance like everybodys watching # get down and dirty" she reads out making you all squeal

You and the girls go and get ready and share some tips

You and the girls go and get ready and share some tips

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