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"Nas!" Laura says and a tanned boy runs down the stairs with a smile on his face and he stands beside Laura

"Before you make your choice I'm going to make it a little easier for you and find out which of these ladies likes the look of you so girls if you fancy nas please step forward" Laura says and you awkwardly stand there not wanting to take a step forward as there's no initial sparks or anything

"Maybe they didn't hear the question" Nas plays it off

"Siannise why didn't you step forward?" Laura asks

"I think it's the shorts" she says making Nas wince jokingly

"Y/n what about you?" Laura asks

"Mmh I don't know I didn't feel anything if you know what I mean" you say laughing

"So the choice is yours you can couple up with any of the five girls in-front if you so Nas who would you like to couple up with?" Laura asks

"I'm going to go for Y/n as she looks absolutely stunning" he says making you giggle and he walks over and gives you a hug

"Aww Thank you" you say as he stands beside you

"Y/n how do you feel?" Laura asks

"Yeah I feel good he seems lovely" you say as you look at him

"Next is Callum" Laura says and a really attractive guy with red shorts walks down with a cheeky smile and you look to your side and Sophie's looking at you so you raise your eyebrows to show her your interested so she raises her eyebrows at you teasingly making you laugh

Callum stands beside Laura and has a look down the line and his eyes stop on you for the longest time, he gives you a cheeky smile and a wink making you smile back

"So Callum you're about to couple up with one of these five lovely girls, we already have one couple as you can see Y/n and Nas and four beautiful girls still remain single, just to make it a little more interesting you can also couple up with Y/n who's already in a couple," Laura says and Callum's eyes are still on you "so ladies if you fancy Callum step forward" Laura says and you hesitate but then realise that you've got nothing to lose so slowly walk forward and so does Siannise, you turn around to see Nas cringing and the girls laugh

"I'm sorry" you say cringing yourself

"Awh Y/n you didn't look too sure" Laura says

"Because I feel bad" you say making the girls and Callum laugh

"So two ladies have stepped forward Siannise and Y/n so Y/n why did you step forward?" Laura asks

"I don't know he's nice to look at and has a cheeky smile and I like the tats as well" you say with a giggle and Callum nods with a smile on his face

"So remember Y/n and Siannise have stepped forward but you can couple up with any of the girls so Callum who would you like to couple up with?" Laura asks and he looks at you and Siannise

"I'm sorry mate but id like to couple up with Y/n" Callum says and you hug Nas

"So Nas that means your on the subs bench" Laura says and Callum shakes his hand before giving you a hug

"You alright?" He asks

"Yeah, you?" You reply and he nods and stands beside you

"Callum how are you feeling?" Laura asks

"Yeah I'm good I had my eye on her when I first walked in so yeah I'm happy" he says making you smile at him and he gently wraps his arm around your waist, next out is Ollie and as soon as he comes out Callum's grip on your waist slightly tightens and then he wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him, no one steps forward for him which makes Callum let out a sigh of relief jokingly

"Y/n why didn't you step forward?" Laura asks

"I'm not into blondes and I'm happy with Callum" you say as you look up at him which makes him smile, Ollie then has to chose and his eyes look at you but then move as soon as he sees Callum's arm wrapped around you, he then picks Paige.

Next out is Connor and Sophie and Paige then step forward who choses sophie.

Lastly mike comes out and Leanne steps forward and he couples up with her and Nas then is with Siannise.

Laura then leaves so you all introduce yourselves to one and other giving each other hugs and then you head up stairs to explore the villa and you and Callum sit down on bean bags to have a chat

"So how old are you?" You ask

"How old do you think I am?" He asks

"Oh I don't know don't make me answer that!" You say laughing "I think twenty... three" you say hesitantly

"Yeah" he says making you gasp

"How old do you think I am?" You ask as you take a sip from your water bottle

"You look young I'm guessing you're only twenty" he says making you gasp

"How did you guess that?" You gasp

"No way you're only a baby" he teases making you scoff jokingly

"So what do you do for a living" he asks as he leans back on the bean bag with his arms crossed behind his head

"I'm a beauty therapist" you tell him

"Ahh so you do good massages then" he says with a wink

"I do!" You say laughing

"Well I'll have to get one of them then and I thought you were like a model" Callum says making you laugh

"Yeah well we will have to see about that and thank you," you say with a wink "so what do you do then?" You ask

"I'm a male stripper" he says trying to be serious

"No you're not" you exclaim making him laugh

"No I'm not I'm a scaffolder" he says

"So that's why you've got big arms then" you say

"Nah it's just because I go to the gym a lot" he says

"So are you good with your hands then?" You ask with a smirk and then his face forms one matching yours

"I might be you'll have to find out" he says with a smirk

"Oh will I?" You ask "So do you have a uniform then?" You ask with a smirk

"I do, do you like a man I'm uniform?" He asks

"Mmh" you mumble and nod embarrassed as you hide your face behind your hands

"Aww you're dead cute" he says and then you compose yourself and he places his large hand on your thin arm moving it so your hands are no longer covering your face

"So have you ever cheated?" You ask

"So I'm going to tell you something I've never had a girlfriend" he says shocking you

"What?" You gasp "I've only had one boyfriend and he cheated on me with his neighbour" you say with a slight laugh

"No way!" Callum says shocked "why would anyone cheat on you?" He says making you giggle

"So why haven't you ever had a girlfriend then?" You ask

"I've just had the wrong ones like I just want someone chilled, can have a laugh but have a serious side," he says and you jokingly point to yourself "yeah literally you" he says laughing and then you chat for a while and then you go to the girls and he goes to the boys to chat.

Siannise isn't too sure on Nas, Paige isn't too sure on Ollie Sophie seems pretty happy so far, Leanne seems pretty happy and so are you but only time will tell.

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