Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

That next morning as I woke up I received a phone call from Chief. Another body was found in Golden Shell with the same M.O. or method of operation. This time she was found strangled instead of smother. He told me not to worry about it and to instead go and question our only suspect; Lia White. An immigrant from Yorkshire, Ms. White stayed in the states after receiving her degree in English, and business. After college she wrote her first erotic novel that became a large hit in both the US and her homeland. When she came to Sand Dollar to nest she bought the old Westin Tavern near Lake Maiden and called it the Black Onyx. After I graduated from the academy some of the guys went there only to come back with blue balls. They were turned away at the door for not having a subscription and for thinking that it was just a strip joint. It turned out that none of her staff members were strippers or "pets" as some might call it. The only people who are allowed to engage in these erotic activities are her subscribers meaning married and engaged couples. In short it's just a club, and people who can afford a monthly payment went there as much they so pleased. She is willing to share her "tools" with no extra charge given. Chief said that he called ahead of time for me to have the appointment with her so I wouldn't have a hard time getting in. When I saw the place I saw a few cars in the parking lot along with a sleek black car parked close to the entrance. "Guess that's Madame White's car?" I mumbled. As I stepped in looked I couldn't believe what I saw, it was beautiful. It had white rugs, and swivel stair cases on both sides of the room that lead upstairs. "Hello sir, welcome to the Black Onyx, are you looking for Madame White?" a woman in a black tube skirt and white top had said to me. "Yes ma'am, I have an appointment set up with her." She nodded and led me up stairs to the left hall; I didn't hear any sounds of love due to the fact that the doors were sound proof and such. They were painted with black, and had glass handles. "Are you married Mr. Reese?" "No ma'am I'm not," I simply said. "Aah that's too bad," and like that the entire conversation was over.   As we finally got to the end I saw the main door, this time instead of having the clear glass, it was made completely out of obsidian. Give or take, that place must have cost at least six more figures after it had been refurbished. "I'll leave you to it sir," the blonde said to me. "Have a wonderful day," then she just walked herself right back down stairs to her post at the door. When I was left alone at the door I didn't feel as queasy as I did the night before. That day I felt normal an adjusted, I guess the reason why was because it was just a normal interview. I knocked on the door only to hear a soft voice slightly sing, "Come in." I spoke out as I opened the door, "Ms. White, I'm Detective Reese from the Sand Dollar Sheriff's Department." But of course some of my calmness shrunk down as soon as I saw what lay stood before me. Try to imagine a pale skinned woman, in a leather tube skirt that revealed her black stocking covered legs, with a black long sleeve button up shirt. She looked beautiful as she leaned over the balcony. "Hello Detective," She said smiling as she turned around at me. She walked to her desk with her shirt half way buttoned, "Oh so sorry, about not having my heels on, they just start to ache my feet sometimes." I felt silence beginning to take hold on my throat, "It's perfectly fine, really," I said nervously. It was during that moment that I figured out I really needed to get out more.  She grabbed a seat, "Please, have a seat Mr. Reese." As she looked at me I noticed those silver eyes of her and felt a familiar sensation fill my face, "You're the woman from the Orange Pearl!" She gave me low chuckle, "And you're the man who was about to be a party pooper on a couples date. Tell me, do you always do that around woman, or just the girls you fancy?" I raised a brow at her, "Excuse me?" "You know? I froze you up when I laid my hand on you." I have to be honest with you reader. In my first years of being a deputy helped put away rapists, child molesters, addicts, and much worse. And as I became a detective I've tapped into the minds of kingpins, gangsters and serial killers. I could read them all like a book, but her.... She was extremely different from them all. She was so strange yet so normal, a strange phenomenon she was, and a mystery that I can't solve at first glance. Clearing my throat I took a seat, "Well ma'am, I will admit that you did catch me by surprise that night." She sat down in her chair and crossed her legs, "Mhmm, and?" She said softly as she brushed back piece of her hair. "Well I uh- Look! We're losing focus of why I'm here." She gave a mock pout, "Shame, really." Like I said; she's a mystery that I can't even solve. "Let me start from the beginning, Two days ago we came across the body of Gracie L. Banks in the dunes of Heron Beach." Lia soft face when from intrigued to shocked in a flash. "Grace.... What how?" She had uncrossed her legs and leaned in with a look of sadness on her face. "We believe that...she was smothered to death." She began to rub her forehead and had begun to hold back what seemed like tears. "Gracie and I grew up together as best friends, she was the one who helped me get the club in shape." I sighed, "I'm sorry ma'am truly I am." A tear fell from her face onto her leather skirt and I rubbed my hair in grief. When you have to tell someone that their relative, spouse, or child is dead it really brings you down. But what brings me down personally is when they begin to cry about their loss. "Oh, please forgive me Mr. Reese, Can you please get me a tissue." I nodded, "Yes ma'am." Making my way to the desk I saw a picture of a young Lia and Gracie high fiving in what seemed like a school yard. "Now, Ms. White I do have to ask you a few questions." As I gave her the tissue she began to dab her eyes and she crossed her legs again. "Thank you, sir. And yes of course, ask away." I pulled out a photo from my trench coat and showed her, "That is a picture of your glass ball gag at the scene of the crime." And just like that her eyes had lit up, "Gracie..... I always let her borrow my toys; a few nights ago she asked me if she could keep one for a date. So I gave her one of my best ones as a gift." I nodded at her, "Now, Ms. White I have to ask this question, where were you on the day of October ninth, at three AM?" She had breathed in some and straightened her posture, "I was at home sleeping, and I'm always falling asleep at either ten or eleven PM." I had nodded and began to jot down on my notepad. "Alright, did she have any one who didn't take a liking to her?" "No, she was a kind spirit, always wanting to help people. I don't know of anyone who would hurt her." I had nodded my head and sighed rubbing my eyes, "Are you okay, Mr. Reese?" She asked me. "Yeah, I'm just sorry for your loss," I said. Getting up from my chair I gave her my number. "If you remember anything just give me a call, alright?" I say smiling. "I sure will Mr. Reese, thank you." She gave me a grin and I saw her teary silver eyes flash. When I look back on that day I can't help but remember how gorgeous she looked before I told her. "Let me walk back with you to the car?" "Sure, I don't mind." She got up from her chair and grabbed her heals. "Pardon me," She took hold of my shoulder and tried to put on her heels. "I'm sorry it's just that I'm so clumsy when I have to put these things on." I grinned," No rush, take your time." After she slid on the other black heel she began to button up her top and adjust herself. "I got the door." "Why thank you sir." As we walked down the hall she took the lead and I just stuffed my hands in trench coat. She had cut the silence between us, "You're awfully quiet Detective. Is something on your mind?" "Ah, no ma'am I'm just well.... I never had seen a place like this before." She grinned at me, "Well sir, if you were expecting a strip pole and whores prancing around you're dead wrong. This is a place where couples can live out their fantasies with no judgment, and of course in complete solitude." I raised a brow at her, "So you're telling me none of the customers.... swing?" She nodded," Exactly, I refuse for any conflict to arise in my place of business. It's only couples that I allow here, and they even agree to the rules."It seemed to me that she was a lot more dignified than any other tavern manager. But then again from what I heard it seemed like the Black Onyx wasn't even a tavern but a sort of strange hotel.
As we finally got to the car she gave me another look and forced a smile on her soft face. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" "Yes Detective I promise I'll be fine. I have your number, remember?" I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I got in my cruiser. "I'll keep you updated on our progress as the case continues." "Good luck sir." Too be honest as much as I find it odd to say out loud. I really didn't want to go home that day. I wanted to stay a bit more and get to know her. But like I said from before; crime doesn't sleep. 

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