Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

On the other side of Sand Dollar known as "the Golden Shell" was Veronica. She sat in the comfort of her nice ranch style home, far away from the noisy beaches and bars. She was what some might call "an independent escort" or a "lady of the night" but she was different. Instead of going out on the streets or working in the clubs she would work over the phone instead. I remember it now, what she was wearing that night. A lace night gown that was white as flour and it made a lovely contrast to the tone of her beautiful tan skin of her legs that she wrapped in the red bed sheets.  As the phone wrung a grin had crawled among her face. With that soft and gentle charm in her voice she had answered, "Hello?" she sounded like a delicate flower. "Hi, I got this number from my messaging machine; I never thought that anyone would pick up so late. Maybe I should call back another time." The voice on the other end was me, I felt so confident yet I was so nervous. She had giggled," No, it's perfectly fine. What can I do for you sweetie?" Rubbing her silky smooth leg against the sheets she took her free hand and had ever so gently trailed up and down her cleavage.  I had responded to her, "Well, I'm having a little trouble getting to sleep at night, it's so embarrassing to ask but I would like your help." She had begun to rub on her chest, "its okay I can't sleep either. Maybe we can help each other." Her voice was like her eyes, sweet and tender like freshly ripened strawberries. "I'd like that," he said. "But first, let me get to know a little about you." her snickering had filled his ear," What would make you so curious about someone like me?" "Well it would be sort of trashy for us to even begin something like that and not even know about each other; wouldn't you say that makes sense?" I saw that strange sensation crawl upon her face as she heard my voice. It was something that never happened to her before. "Yes. I suppose you're right." "Well that's lovely to hear, my name's John, and what's yours?" She had began to wrap her finger around the phone cord," Veronica. It's nice to meet you John." She soon realized what she was doing. She felt goose bumps rise on her arms, it seemed as if her heart were to beat out of her chest. She was so awed by this that she didn't hear the question from her client. "Veronica?" my voice had cooed into her ear. Her lips had uttered out a nervous, "Yes?" "I was just making sure you were there, I asked what do you like to do for fun." She had bit her lip and grinned, "Well I enjoy drawing, and music a lot." "That's lovely to hear, I myself enjoy a little acoustic guitar." Without knowing it she began to do the impossible, she was falling in love with her client. "Really?" her voice chimed. "What's your favorite song?" "Oh I'm sorry,"  I had said with a sigh. "I really have to go." "Wait, wait can you just hold out for maybe five minutes or more?" Poor little Veronica, her heart had begun to sink. "I'm sorry I really have to go. I'm sorry if I wasted your time." And like that, all she heard was the click on the other end. My poor baby girl, she laid herself on the bed and I could tell she immediately began to remember my voice. She was acting like a giddy cheer leader who just couldn't get her mind off of that varsity football player. I watched her as she rubbed her breast, with that I made my way into the hall and turned down the thermostat, when I returned her nipples had gotten hard under thin laced gown. All she did was shiver at the sudden blast of cold. I watched her from the closet as she raised herself to turn it down and had return to the bed begin sleeping. But during this whole process it was if she still couldn't get those beautiful round breasts of hers to go soft and plump. Truth be told, I really like them hard, it really gives me something to suckle on as I feel on her body. This isn't the first time that I've done this to Veronica. I've been with her for weeks, watching from a distance like a ghost. As she fell asleep I had made myself known to her. I began to rub her on chest with my hand making a soft gasp erupt from her lips. "John.... Please be gentle with me." She was definitely dreaming like an aroused school girl. I wondered what my alias looked like to her. Did I have brown hair and green eyes with a beard? Or was I a red head with blue eyes? As I began to rub deeper into her lower area deep gasp left her mouth and her face turned red like an apple. "John," she cried out. "Oh fuck... Why are you doing this to me?" I loved hearing her moan. I felt up and down her thighs to her feet as I lift her night gown above her waist and suckled at her clit to feel her warmth. This time she began to scream out, "Yes! Oh John yes!" She was enjoying herself with all this pleasure yet she was still sound asleep dreaming of her football player. I moved my head out of the way in time to watch her fingers slide inside her private. "Yes John, please do it for me, please!" I crept to the side of her bed and began to rub on her breast as I whispered into her ear," Veronica....Veronica, it's me." I bit on her lobe as she started to scream in ecstasy. "Oh gosh yes! I'm about to come!" I peeled back a piece of her gown exposing her breast and began to suckle upon it. It tasted like her body wash, peaches and honey I recall. She suddenly screamed as she raised her hips in the air and released herself on the bed. With her dry hand she brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes to see me. Before she could let out a scream I covered her mouth with my hand and had gotten on top of her to place my hand around her neck. She began to kick and try to call for help but she just wasn't loud enough and she was too weak to escape. "Oh dear beloved Veronica, you were very wonderful." I saw her eyes began to roll back and her kicking had begun to settle down. And just like that, she was gone, her light extinguished. I had wiped away the semen on my sleeve for when she tried prying my hands away. "Oh you were wonderful indeed." As I looked upon her corpse I couldn't help but notice my heart beat, going ever so fast from this event that took place. Pulling her mouth open I placed my lovely gift for my foe. I still wanted him to have that lovely bouquet, and he will have it, whether he likes it or not. But as I began to depart down the hall I remembered something. I had forgotten to tell Reese of my return from the grave with Gracie. So I left him something as I always had with the beauties I had left behind for him. As I walked down the hallway with a grin I couldn't help but mutter to myself. "Oh detective, I hope you'll put more of an effort into catching me, because I will not stop. And that is the bloody truth." 

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