20. Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)

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"You're scared," Mantis concluded after Freya had allowed her to search deep through her being in hopes of helping her understand the flittering emotions every complex being had. She had explained her heritage, how her father was somehow alive and yet she couldn't find any trace of him. She knew Peter knew something about him. A few years ago something had happened on Midgard regarding an invasion and the involvement of Asgardians. But he had managed to evade her focus from it, and she hadn't asked why because she had forgotten and she trusted his judgement. If he didn't want her to know something about how her people were messing up the universe, she was happy to turn a blind eye. 

"I'm petrified," Freya admitted. And she was. The power she had running through her veins. The constant looking over her shoulder wondering if Thanos would ever find Gamora and herself. She stressed over Peter, his idiotic self would always get into some sort of trouble she would always have to bail him out of. And yet she somehow managed to push all that fear away so she could enjoy her life as best she could. She wasn't going to let her fear hold power over her. It was one of the constant battles she had in her life, and she would continue to forever battle against it if it meant protecting her loved ones. 

The moment was interrupted. Ego having awoken from his slumber and smirking at the two girls gossiping in the corner, "We've arrived," He proclaimed. Mantis instantly going rigid and dashing to her feet. A small 'Thank You' thrown over her shoulder as she scurried after the man. 

Freya did not like him one bit. To hell, if he actually was Peter's father. He didn't deserve to hold that title in Peter's life if he treated people the way he treats Mantis. 

All of gathering on a small, open pod that allowed us to glide over the psychedelic landscape. Freya's hand finding Peters and grasping it tightly. Yes, the colours and the mesmerising lines of the tranquil world was magnificent, but it could never compare to the beauty of Asguard. 

"Welcome, everyone, to my world." Ego smiled. Extending his arms as he showed us the lights and pretty things his wold had to offer. It was all for show. Freya could feel it. The unease itching under her skin to pack up and run away. 

"Wow. You have your own planet?" Peter breathes. Squeezing his wifes hand tighter as he drinks in the possibility that all this belonged to his father. That everything his imagination had dreamed about his father was nothing compared to this. 

"Come on. No larger than your Earth's Moon." Ego chuffed, his narcissistic smile igniting a burning rage deep within Freya's being. 

"Humility. I like it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble." Oh, Odin's raven. Drax was drooling over this man too. Was it only Freya and Gamora that were truely seeing with their eyes. 

"You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you exactly?" Gamora queried. Freya somewhat relieved that the wool hadn't been pulled over the assassin eyes too. 

"I'm what's called a Celestial, sweetheart." Freya huffing, unamused, at his claim; unlinking her had from Peters and crossing her arms across her chest. He was not celestial. He did not deserve the title. 

"A Celestial, like a god? Like Freya?" Peter questioned. He was a little confused as to why Freya seemed insulted at Ego's claim. 

Ego's widening of his eyes did not go unnoticed by Freya and Gamora. It was as if he was threatened by the knowledge that a greater being was walking on the surface of his planet. He was panicking, Freya could see that. Her being here, it threatened Ego. 

She smirked.

She still had it. Raising her head and squaring back her shoulders tp show just how powerful she was. To just give him a taste of the raw power that simmered just under the surface of her skin. She would crush him with her finger if she wanted too. 

"Mmm, small "g," son. At least on the days I'm feeling humble as Drax." He was backtracking. Ego saw her as a threat. He was floundering in the presence of the Asgardian.   "I don't know where I came from exactly. First thing I remember is flickering... adrift in the cosmos utterly... and entirely alone. Over millions of years... I learned to control the molecules around me. I grew smarter and stronger. And I continued building from there... layer by layer... the very planet you walk on now. But I wanted more. I desired... meaning. 'There must be some life out there in the universe... besides just me,' I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created... what I imagined biological life to be like... down to the most minute detail."

The small pod came to a stop and the group disembarked. The fountain of water spiralling around and the bubbles nearly made the porcelain mask Freya had put in place. Some of this planet was, in fact, beautiful. But she knew there was something more sinister hiding here. 

"Did you make a penis?" Drax questioned. Freya's eyes rolling so deep into the back of her head she was ceratin she spied her brain. 


"What is wrong with you?" Peter and Gamora exclaimed as Drax asked the important questions. 

"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her!"

"I don't need to hear how my parents..." Peter squirmed, disgusted at the man before him ever going near his beautiful mother. 

"Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice." Drax queried. His culture something very opposed to Peters.

"Mine didn't," Freya smirked, earning a baffled look from her husband as he realised she was entertaining Drax in this conversation. 

"That's disgusting." He smushed his face up into a not-so-handsome look. 

"It was beautiful. You Earthers have hang-ups." Drax says, insulted at Peters reaction. 

"I'm sure it was magnificent," Freya bows her head in recognition. Peter may not understand, but stories such as these were held in high regard in Drax's culture. 

"Yes, Drax, I got a penis."

"Ha! Thank you!"

"It's not half bad." Ego smirked. Freya almost throwing up in her mouth as she glared at the falsified god. 

"And I'm totally not interested," Freya sighed as she looked out into the expanse of the drylands below them. They were tranquil and it confused Freya as to how a corrupt being such as Ego could create such a beautiful place.

Ego continued on his mission to bore Freya to death, "I've also got pain receptors, and a digestive system... and all the accompanying junk. I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human... as I set out amongst the stars... until I found... what I sought. Life. I was not alone in the universe after all."

"When did you meet my mother?" Peter asked tentatively. Freya stepping down from her high pedestal to take his hand and rub the back of his hand soothingly with his thumb. He adored his mother. She was one of the strongest and most beautiful free spirits he had ever met. No-one could ever replace her. Yet he craved stories about her. To remember that she was real and not just a figure of his imagination. 

"Not long after. It was with Meredith that I first experienced love. I called her my river lily. And from that love, Peter... you. I have searched for you for so long. And when I heard of a man from Earth... who held an Infinity Stone in his hand without dying... I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved."

"If you loved her, why did you leave her?" The heartbreak in his question made Freya want to take her husband in her arms and tell him that everything was okay. That the being in front of them was not playing on his grief to get what he wanted. That she could protect him from the horrors in life.

But she couldn't. 

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