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The crack of thunder and lightning had my small, seven year old, body lurching from the sheets of my bed and dashing through the dark corridors in the early hours of the morning.

"Father!" I screamed. My bare feet slapping on the polished floors of the palace, as I run into his grand bedroom. His empty room.

Helplessly, I call again, "Father!"  My head snapping back and forth across the room, making my locks of raven black hair whip at my rosy cheeks. My bottom lip trembling as I turn from the room and anxiously wonder if returning to my own chambers is the safest option.

The shouts and screams of battle echo through the air, taunting me, from outside. The palace was meant to be a safe haven. But the darkness and the noises of agony only made it feel like a prison.

A pair of strong arms, suddenly encase my small form and lift me from the ground into their chest. A hand clasped tightly over my mouth to muffle my scream as I kick and thrash in their hold as much as possible.

"Freya, its me! I've got you. I've got you," the familiar voice of my father caresses my hot ears as he slowly removes his cool hand from my mouth.

It takes less than a second, for my small frame to twist in his arms and bury my head into the crook of his neck. His long hair, the jet black colour I inherited, tickles my face slightly but I pay no heed to it. I would always be safe with my father. He would keep the monsters away.

"Let's get you somewhere safe," he coos into my ear; pulling his fingers through my hair softly, in hopes of calming my shaking form.

"Don't leave me," I whisper so quietly I'm surprised he heard.

"Never, my little Valkyrie warrior. You'll be by my side for thousands of years to come," his voice low as he uses his magic to open a hidden door behind a large pillar on the east side of the corridor.

Slipping through, we appear on the other side of the palace. Where the screams of battle are quieter but the roaring of my uncles thunder still pulses through my frame. Instinctively, I hold tighter onto my father.

"Prince Loki!" A deep voice booms from the other end of the large, dining hall, we appeared in. My farther going rigid beneath my small hands as the intruder takes large, eerily echoing, steps towards us.

"Not another step, primitive beast." He spits, turning his chest so that I am shielded by his frame as we are addressed. 

"It is your greatest honour to be chosen by Thanos himself. To serve by his side," I peep around my father, to look at the scrawny being with ivory skin and no nose; only a bump where his face masks together. This creature frightened me, yet spiked my curiosity simultaneously. My thirst for knowledge something I also acquired from my father, along with his nimble ability with magic, "You will join as and be known, as one of  the children of Thanos,"

"Well then, I can assure you I must decline your absurd proposal," Father chuckles as he begins to slowly back away from the being that approaches slowly, his hands placed in front of himself as if he were contemplating whether to pray to the gods.

The smirk that slithers onto the beings face has my blood run cold, "I wasn't talking to you, prince of Asgard," 

Suddenly, a large spear appears from a tall woman with blue skin and eye brows that morph into horns atop her head; who had snuck up behind us and thrust it through fathers chest!

Screaming, I fall from fathers arms as his face contorts into agony and  he slumps atop of my small frame. Trying with his last breaths to protect me as much as possible as the two, strange, beings charge towards us. 

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