10. Escape (The Piña Colada Song)

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Before I open my eyes I can feel the hard bed beneath my aching limbs. Pain echoing through my muscles as I rest. The obnoxious noises of Yondu's crew banging and crashing around as they shouted and fought with each-other for entertainment. Peeping my eyes open, the old light above my head almost blinding my marine eyes and the pounding in my head begging my frail body to close them and go back to sleep.

But my need to find Peter, the urge to make sure he's okay was stronger.

Ignoring the fire burning in my shoulder, I slowly sit up. Recognising the old room Peter and I used to share before we upgraded to the Milano, I grimace at  the state of the hell-hole we used to survive in.

The walls rusting and full of holes from where people had shot through the walls in fits of rage; or just because they felt like it. The door barley closed to conceal the single bed that had a paper thin mattress and was covered by a small blanket, ripped and having multiple stains from the decades it had kept Peter and I warm at night.

Gasping, I struggle to raise a hand to clutch at the agony that rips through my shoulder.

"Wow, you look like you've been dragged through a bush backwards," Glancing up, my tired eyes meet with the ever smug ones of Peter. He looks stressed, dark circles forming under his eyes and fatigue obvious in his stature. He may be pretending to be strong, but I can see straight through his facade.

"Not looking too bad yourself, Star-Munch," I chuckle, ever so gently rising to my feet. Peter moving from the door way to carefully engulf me in his strong hold. His chest a pillow for my aching head to rest on; the beating of his heart fluttering against my ear as I breath him in. I felt at home in his protective arms.

Nothing could ever touch me if Peter had me in his arms.

"Yondu, called me soft because you make me like Jello. He wanted to kill you," Peter whispers into my hair, kiss lips brushing against my hair as he holds me closer.
"You've always been soft. Long before you met me, Mr. Quill," I laugh, my shoulder giving a sharp stab of pain in resentment. A sudden wave of dizziness over coming me as I laugh, my weak body involuntary falling into Peters strong body.
"Come on, you need to lie down, Princess," Scooping me up into his arms bridal style, my head rests weakly into the crook of Peters neck as he sits on the hard bed. Keeping me close to his chest as we relax into each others hold. Grateful for the small moment of piece, possibly one of the last we might have for a long time.

"I've always got you," Peter whispers, "Even if we have the entire universe between us, I've always got you, Princess," his words comforting and soft like a melody, as my eyes flutter shut and exhaustion takes over me.


I awake a few hours later. My body, already rapid at healing when I sleep seemed to have been facilitated but he two energy sources I had consumed. My shoulder had but a fresh pink, almost silver, scar where I had been shot. The bruises and concussion I had received from the blast were moderately healed, faded to a light yellow on my pale skin and the cloud that was once inhibiting my mind had cleared. The foreign purple energy from the power stone had become dormant inside me. I could only presume the red, fluid like, power that had encased my body shortly afterwards was something similar. I cold feel the raw power simmering just under my skin, but also so far out of reach. I didn't have time to ponder on that now.
I could hear multiple people running back and forth as if they were readying for battle. Their shouts and calls were full of excitement and had a tone only war could bring to them.
Yondu was preparing to fight.

I instantly knew this fight was much bigger than any of us. Scavengers and strangers like myself amongst these people never mattered no more. This battle would be for something more.

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