4•first day

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My first day was a little rough. Firstly, the wind from practice had tousled my wavy hair making it a ball of frizz. Secondly, I knew nearly no one. Thirdly, my bad mood made me unapproachable. First period was, of course, band. In addition to Daniel I had met a sweet French horn named Andi and her boyfriend, an oboe player/frontline member named Max.
Room E088. Room E088. I repeated the the words in my head. Where was AP American history? I could've sworn I had been looking for this room for two hours, even though it had only been ten minutes. Being lost is terrible, but it's even worse on the first day. E088...where was it? I closed my eyes and crumpled up the useless map I was holding.

I ran a hand through my already messy hair, blowing out some exasperated air. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a wisp of someone passing me in the hall. Quickly reacting, I rushed around the corner to try and catch them so they could maybe help me. The tall figure strode swiftly down the hall. I didn't think he'd slow his pace or I could catch him so I went ahead and called out for him.

"hey wait!" I yelled down the hall, my voice echoing. He stopped in his tracks and turned his body towards the voice.

My body stiffened as the now recognizable face was in my view. He caught my eye and looked at me confused. I guess he didn't recognize me because i knew if he did he most likely would've went on his way. Not knowing exactly what to do, I stood there awkwardly.

"Can I help you?" he asked from down the hall.

My voice finally came and I decided that either way, whether I liked him or not, I needed to get to class.

"Yes, could you please direct me to room E088? First day, sorry!" I asked beginning to walk in his direction, because he didn't seem to want to move and end the awkward screaming down the hall.

"Um sure? I know the schools kinda confusing at first, but you'll get used to it." he said kindly as I got closer to him. His height was tall as I got closer. Surprisingly, he was being nice. How the tables turn when you think you don't hate someone.

"Thanks. I'm just like 15 minutes late for class and I was so lost." I rambled as we begin our trek down the hall. He leads and I follow quietly. No words leave our mouths as we turn corners and go up a flight of stairs.

After walking a little longer, we made it to a wing of the school and I saw the room E088. A sigh of relief left my lips quietly. I turned to the guy who was my drum major.

"Thanks again. Hope I didn't cause you trouble." I say to him.

"No not at all. I don't mind." he said with a small smile on his lips.

I nod and begin to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" he calls and I halt, turning on my heels to face him again. Something about his face made it hard to keep eye contact.

"you're going to AP American history? You're only a freshman and you're in apush?" he asked with a confused look. As the words sank in, anger boiled in me.

He thought I was a freshman? Oh youve got to be kidding me. Seriously? Did I seriously look like a kid lost at the carnival? That's why he didn't remember me. He thought I was just some freshman looking for her classroom like a lost puppy.

"Excuse me? I'm a junior trying to survive her first day of school. First I have to get up at 5:45 for marching band which I was forced to do. Then I had to get yell at by that short man with a bad temper, also getting the most evil and burning eye from YOU. And then my hair literally was ruined and now I'm 20 minutes late for class. Yes! I am just a lost freshman. Yep. Now you can go on your way. I thank you for your help but don't expect my asking for it again." I say harshly and with a bitter tone before turning and stomping off to the AP class I know I'm late for.

I feel his momentarily friendly face darken, and his eyes burn through my back as I walk away.

"Geez, someone has anger issues."

I ignored him, but hissed out a "like you're one to talk!" before walking, late and proud, into APUSH.

Third period: Chemistry
The class already seemed hard, but the teacher was cute(a definite plus)

Fourth period: Advanced Art
At least art was something I could excel in.

I ate with Daniel and Andi along with other people whose names I don't remember. I didn't say much, but it was a friendly group.

Fifth period: AP Calculus
So I'm good at math. I was the only junior in the class.

Sixth period: AP Lang
My third ap class is making me realize that I will have a ton of homework this year. A girl named Leesa sat next to me. She was nice, but slightly desperate for attention.

Seventh period: PE
Daniel was in my class, which was okay. At least I would have someone to talk too, even if they were kind of obnoxious.

Eighth period: Debate
It was the only free elective. I'm terrible at debating and generally arguing in general. In my head things sound great but out loud it turns to nonsense.

The drum major is in my class. I can already tell that he takes things too seriously, based off the way he has his backpack perfectly organized and color coded. His pencils are pre-sharpened and he's the type to buy four nice ink pens for $3 instead of 20 cheap ball points for 99 cents. He stared straight ahead the whole period and didn't glance at me once.
Not that I was staring at him or anything.

It's strange how much you know a person even if you don't know them at all. From the middle section of seats I had the most perfect view of him sitting perfectly straight in the front row. No wonder he was drum major. He was way too focused.

During notes, I occasionally made a quick glance at him. I didn't even know his name. I found myself not really listening to the lecture and more on the made up thoughts in my mind.

"Miss Blythe, do you intend to daydream throughout my class or pay attention?" my brain is interrupted by Mrs. Willis talking to me in the front of the classroom. A small blush appears on my cheek at being called out in class. Some kids chuckle and others keep their attention span at the front of the room. I had to show no signs of weakness.

I quickly make a glance at the drum major. His head is turned around but his eyes are planted on the ground. I watch him briefly until his eyes snap up at me and make eye contact. My head swiftly turns back towards the front of the room.

My imagination isn't going to affect my grades. My thoughts aren't going to affect my grades. My daydreams aren't going to affect my life as a new student at a new school. I kept repeating these things in my head.

Mrs. Willis began teaching again and I made sure to keep my focus on her. I snuck a glance at the jerk before turning back towards the front of the class. My imagination won't affect my grades. My my thoughts won't affect my grades. My daydreams won't affect me. They won't!

The bell finally rang, and I raced out of the classroom,into my car, and sped home.

You Snared My Heart: A Marching Band Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang