13-Homecoming Part 1

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A week passed, and so did our next competition. Nothing major happened (such as collisions between me and a giant sousaphone, resulting in a knockout worse than the May-Pac fight). We placed 3rd, a new record for Westmont High. Lillian ran over and kissed Lincoln on the cheek, and he turned bright red. For some reason I just felt angrier than that time my teacher threw a snow shovel at my head because I asked a stupid question in Algebra II (true story bro).

That competition had been this morning, and now the entire school was focused on one thing only...homecoming.

Cue the dramatic music, tears, and heartbreak!

Somehow, I had been roped into all of this drama courtesy...of Daniel lastname.

We had just gotten on the bus to head home. I sat by him, in my normal seat by the window. Daniel had plunked down next to me, his semi greasy blonde hair ruffled nervously.

"Hey E-E-E-Eleanor?" he was stuttering badly.


"Would you, you know, if you have a dress and all, I know it's last minute but-oh my, the weather today is nice!" His face was bright red and it didn't take a genius to figure out what he was trying to say.

"Are you trying to ask me to homecoming?"

"YES! Oh thank god- I mean...yeah." He was obviously relieved.

I sighed. Better to take pity on the kid, we were good friends and he was really sweet. Lori had already bought me a dress anyways.



I sat on the steps of Lori's house, tapping my feet anxiously as I waited for Daniel to come and pick me up. Within the past two hours, too much time in my opinion, Lori had told me to start getting ready. It was my first homecoming at Westmont and she wanted me to make an "impression".

I had done my hair and a coat of makeup before putting on my dress. It was black and hugged at the stomach before flowing out.

I had to admit, Lori did amazing job choosing. And that's coming from a girl that doesn't wear dresses...like ever.

I had tried to make excuses for why I couldn't wear heels, like that my feet had calluses from marching band or that I hadn't broken any in or something like that.

Lori didn't buy it.

She was too overjoyed by the fact that a boy had asked me to homecoming, although it was on the day of homecoming that he asked me. She thought that was a little strange but...

Anyways, there I was, as antsy as any girl would be on homecoming. It almost felt like I was going to be in that dream where you go to school naked or something.

I shivered. That is definitely something I did not want to picture in my head.


The doorbell could have not been any louder.

"Ooh El please let me get it. I want to see his reaction when he sees you." Lori literally pranced into the foyer of the house. I groaned.

"Lori it's not a big deal."

"It's your first dance at Westmont and you have a date." Lori was more overjoyed than the whole high school student body combined.

"Please don't embarrass me. I would rather face a pen of roaring lions than face the whole school like this. No one knows I can actually...clean up. Most of the time they see me in the reminisce of a hiccup or something equally minorly embarrassing." I told Lori, remembering my last little hiccup with the pie situation with Lincoln.

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