Chapter 12.

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Hey okay so Chapter 11 was suppose to be the last chapter x3 but since a couple of you wanted another update, here it is.

{Btw sorry if this chapters not as good, I haven't written in this book for awhile so I forget a lot about it cx}

~~~Qoute of the chapter~~~
Love is when you find someone who doesn't meet any of your standards and yet, you still say "Finally, I've found the right one"

•Nicos POV•

"Of course" I whispered. I leaned in closer, destroying any distance left between my lips and Percy's. For once, I felt free. Free from this world, free from society's limits. I tugged Percy closer, my hand gripped his sweater, not wanting to let go. But as they say, all good things come to an end. Our lips parted with a smile, my lips tingled with heat, remembering the way Percy's felt on my own.

The other boy stood, shaking any dirt or sand off of his well worn track pants and offered me his hand, I greedily jumped at another chance to feel his warm skin. We walked up the flat beach, going toward the pavilion our fingers still intertwined.

"Percy-" I motioned towards our hands uneasily.

"Hey- it's all right, who cares what anyone else thinks" My cheeks lit up as the black haired boy lightly caressed it, comforting me. "I want them to know you're mine" He added on, I shivered slightly as he moved closer when he spoke. His words were pressed against my neck, I could feel his breath on my skin and his hand lightly gripping my waist.


"Is this perhaps, making you uncomfortable?" Warm lips pressed against my neck, leaving a kiss imprinted on my skin.

"Not at all" I lied through my teeth, though, I wasn't uncomfortable. Just- nervous.

"Don't lie to mee" Percy grinned, pulling away. He laughed, pulling me along as he began walking again.

"You're something else Jackson"

"I know!" His mood had turned from mischievous to playful in the matter of seconds. Damn he was a thrill ride.

~~~{Time skip to the pavilion}~~~

"Nico! There you are! I was-" Hazel ran over to me, a smile glued to her face. Her voice faltered as she noticed me and Percy's closeness "What are you two doing..?"

Instantly my smile vanished, Percy noticed it and we both stopped silent. His grip on my hand tightened even as I tried to pull away from him. I felt bad for trying, but worse for disappointing Hazel. 

"Nico that's not okay, you can't- That's against the rules, what are you thinking? This is all a joke right?" Hazels expression was impossible to read. A mixture of sullen anger, hostility, disappointment and confusion.

"Hazel I-" I reached out to her, but she stepped back. I felt like crying, I should have known this would happen. Hazel being born back in a time period where different sexuality's were unacceptable.

"Percy I- I have to go" I engulfed myself in shadows, not mentally being able to handle another moment of this. Not being able to look into her eyes again. What I didn't expect to happen is Percy grasping onto me. His face nuzzled in my chest and his muscular arms wrapped tight around me. And for once, I closed my eyes and let it happen. I let myself fall deeper into the shadows, but this time I wasn't alone.


"Nico?" Percy's eyes slightly open, we had shadow travelled to my cabin. "Let's never do that again"

"Sorry, I just had to get out of there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you?" I smiled, Percy always had a way to make me happier. Even when he didn't try to.

"I'll be okay. But as for Hazel.... I'm not sure, maybe Percy... maybe she's right" I nearly hated myself for saying those words. I finally had what I truly desired my whole life and now I'm already saying it should end.

"No. She's not. She'll come around Nico- I promise. You're her brother after all"

I sighed. I snuggled my head into Percy's neck, my leg resting over his. My hand laying on his covered chest. It was as if he was a jigsaw puzzle and I was the last piece to complete the picture.


Late update. Heh. Oops.

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