Chapter 2.

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Quote of the chapter

In the eyes of a child you will see

the world, as it should be


Nicos Pov.

Dante and I walked side by side to the arena with his other three 'goons' walking slightly behind us. No one said anything all the way till the arena, except for a few grumbles from the guys behind us. The trail we were following was mostly overgrown with weeds and grass so we were practically trekking through the forest trying to find the arena. Not my idea of a good day, I mean, seriously? We defeat the goddess Gaea, and this is how I'm repaid? Not that I want everyone to love me and call me a hero it's just... Well you know.

I almost thought we were lost when I saw the grey stoned walls of the arena. Thank the gods. We hurriedly made our way to inside.

"Hunter and Dakota, go rally up some people for the fight. I want everyone to see me kick this kids ass" Dante commanded them.

"So, helmets and breastplates?" I asked, questioning what armour to put on.

"Seriously kid? This is a no armour fight, only swords" Dante hissed at me.

Yeah alright, so I guess this is a death match.

I grabbed out my jet black, Stygian iron sword and walked out to the middle of the arena, Dante doing the same.

"You ready, Ghost boy?" He sneered at me.

"Oh Dante, your going to really regret this later"

By this time there was already a small group of people surrounding us and more were pouring in.

Dante ran at me, his eyes full of confidence and hate. I pulled my sword in front of me and blocked his first full on attack. He swung his sword overhead in another attack, still trying to use the fact that he was overall, a lot bigger then me. I sidestepped his attack and countered him and took this time to go on offence which sadly only resulted in a small knick on his shoulder. He was good, I can give you that. But his attacks were a bit too slow and he wasn't too fast. Dante clashed his sword into mine again, trying to push me over with brute strength but I pushed back with the same force from my new found adrenaline rush. Our swords were still connected when I heard Percy's unforgettable voice call out.

"Nico!" There was concern covering his words, I looked over at him, he was running into the arena with Annabeth holding his hand slightly behind him. The 7 must have gotten back. I was turning back to Dante but it was to late, I already let my guard down. He kicked me in the gut, causing me to fall on my arse. My breathing was ragged and hard, I could feel my heart beating way to fast and my chest hurt like crazy. Damn asthma and well, that kick to the gut. Dante looked towards the crowd and did a sort of victory pose.

"Oh were not done yet" I barked from behind him. I could see Percy looking at me, his eyes full of worry and concern. Like he's actually scarred for me.

"Back for more I see" Dante Grinned.

I knew I had to beat him, there's no way I'm loosing to this idiot. I thought of Percy, I thought of how his eyes shone in the light and how no matter what was happening in the world, he always found a way to smile. How he was a hero, he saved me, so many times. I thought of how he can never be mine, how he has Annabeth. How he'll never look at me with more then just brotherly love. I thought of how he and Annabeth love each other, of how there going to grow up, move to camp Jupiter and have a family. I looked back over at Dante with new found rage and strength and charged him.

Our swords clashed again, but this time I won, I pushed him back and took a swing, hitting him lightly on his calf. As he hesitated to look at his wound, I swung my leg out and tripped him.

"You done yet?" I sneered, full hatred dripping off my every word. The hate wasn't towards him though, not to Percy, or Annabeth but towards myself. How I'll always be the outcast, the emo, gay boy.

"The real question is, are you done yet?" Dante hissed back as he tripped me the same way as I did to him. In my moment of confusion he jumped on me, holding down my wrists with his knees and sitting on my chest. He threw his sword off to the side and un-sheathed his dagger, now holding it at my throat. Sweat beaded down my forehead. People like Dante were serious. Even in front of all these people I knew that he wanted to jerk that dagger. I was only just one step away from death and it almost felt good. I hadn't felt like this in a few days, I missed the heat of the battle. It was stupid, how most people spent their whole lives trying to forget it all, while I missed the sensations.

"Now, your going to leave camp and never- ever, come back or I'm going to drag this dagger across your throat and kill you on the-" Dante was cut off by Percy throwing him off of me onto his back. I quickly sat up to see Percy sharply kick Dante in the stomach then hurry back to me.

"Nico! Man, are you alright!? What did he say to you?!" Percy burst out.

"Percy!!! Move!!" I screamed at him, Dante obviously didn't want Percy to live, he was running at him from behind, dagger in hand. I did the one thing I could think of. I pushed Percy out of the way and braced myself for the attack.

This, I thought to myself, is the best way to go. Saving him. Saving the son of sea god. I'd rather him live. Much rather. It seemed almost like the perfect way to die, protecting loved ones.

What seemed like endless moments of people screaming and yelling at Dante, his silver dagger hit home, and sank deep into my stomach. I sank down onto my knees, everything was blurry. People were surrounding me. The pain was unbearable, unless you've been stabbed then you can't even imagine the pain, but also the relief. The relief of not having to care about anything else. Everyone thinks dying is horrific but to me it has its own sense of beauty. I almost let go of everything and let the darkness consume me when Percy's face appeared an inch from mine. I could hold on to see him for a few more seconds...

"Nico, don't leave me. Don't go okay? Please hold on, please Neeks. Your my best friend. I need you man" Percy cried out to me, cupping my face.

"Percy I-"

"Shhh, don't talk. I'm going to pick you up okay? Stay with me Neeks" Percy said frantically. I nodded weakly. But soon regretted. As soon as Percy moved me a searing pain shot up my side. I instinctively put my hand on my wound, the dagger was still in me. Great. I brought my hand back to my face. Blood. Oh gods.

"Percy, I-I Lo-"

"Shhh! Neeks please. No last words. Your going to make it okay? I'm never letting you die. Never" Percy Stopped me mid sentence.

Why can't he just let me die. Why... Was my last thought before I was completely covered with the darkness. I let a small whimper, and tried my best to fight it off. Screw what I said earlier, I can't die on Percy, I just can't. I can't do that to him. But in the end, I lost, I was too weak. The darkness covered me, dragging me away from reality.

Lost in the darkness (Pernico/Percico)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz