Chapter 8.

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Hey, I already wrote Chapter 8 last night, but then the power went out (There was a storm ) and so it didn't save. this has been happening so much lately. Cri

QUOTE: Hold onto my hand like its the last thing that will piece us together, like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle that falls to the ground. Pick me up and don't let me fall again.


•Percy's Pov•

"Percy Jackson, will you marry me?" Those 6 words rung through my mind, I stood up. Trying to think of what to say. I ran my fingers through my hair, Annabeths smile wavered, she knew I always did that in awkward situations.

I heard someone get up from behind me, I spun around, catching a glimpse of Nico. He was running out towards the woods. Nico.

I kept staring at the woods, wanting so badly to go find him, and tell him everything was okay.

"Percy...?" Annabeth chocked out.

"I- Annabeth" I started, walking up to her taking her hands in mine. "I just.... I'm sorry, I don't think I'm ready for this"

"But... why? Is it another girl?"

"No! Of course not..." My voice quavered, thinking of Nico. We were just friends though right.... I don't feel anything for him. I'm straight Gods dammit.

"It is isn't it?" Annabeths voice was just above a squeak. Her stormy grey eyes filled with clear white tears. She looked back up to me with a shred of hope in her eyes.

"No Annabeth it's not. I love you, Annie, You have been here for me through everything. How couldn't I?" I asked. Nearly asking myself that question, not her. "Let's go some were more... private"

"Oh... yeah we should..." She looked away from me, at all the campers who's eyes were glued to us. One of the Aphrodite girls squealed. "Drammmaaa"

I started to walk out, Annabeth close behind me.

•Nicos pov•

Percy. Annabeth. Marriage.

I ran through the woods, stumbling over branches. Blood was smeared on my cheek from hitting a thorn bush. My breathing was hard and shallow but I couldn't stop running.

I knew where I was going though. The same place Percy took me before we went for the final fight against Gaea.

Percy. I stopped for a moment. Anger flashed through me, Annabeth was taking him from me. I wasn't good enough for him anyways. I swung my fist at the closest thing near me; an oak tree. My hand cracked under it. Pain shot down my wrist, crimson blood spread over my knuckles. I didn't flinch though, I just watched the blood as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I just wanted to leave. To disappear forever. I could always shadow travel. I could start a different life. I could be normal. But I wasn't. I'd never be normal or happy. If never forget Percy, he's the opposite of amnesia. His piercing sea green eyes and stupid grin. After all he was my hero. He's why I kept pushing. He was the one that saved me right from the beginning.

I started to run again, watching the trees as they passed as green and brown blurs behind me. I could see the clearing up ahead. I was so close to the memory's but so far from reality. I slowed down, and walked into the clearing.

It was beautiful, just how I remembered it. There was a small river crossing right through the middle, the sun shone brightly, glistening off the water like tiny crystals. I sat down beside the river and just stared. Not thinking of anything In particular just lost in my own mind.

"Nico?" I heard the son of the sea God call out to me.

"Percy?" I asked surprised. Wasn't he with Annabeth doing... you know... marriage stuff...

"Gods! I've been looking for you for like.... Forever!"

"What? I long have I been gone?"

"2 hours. Why'd yeah leave like that?"

"I uh..." I murmured "Are you getting married?"

"Nah, I'm just not ready I guess..."

"Oh." A wave of relief and hope rushed through me.

"You should come over to my cabin for awhile Neeks. Just me and you for some guy time" Percy suggested.

"I don't know..."

"C'mon please?" Percy pouted out his lip and puppy eyed me.

"You look so weird doing that" I crunched my nose at him "But ok I guess... let's go"



what do u identify yourself as :)))

i''m a girl if u couldnt tell lmao

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