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Bella pov

"Give me your gun," I said bluntly putting my hand out. He shook his head.

"Give it now!" Tears started rolling down my face even more. He started grabbing it but it was too slow so I grabbed it and ran to their room.

Edwardo pov

"Dude, She won't marry you after what you did," Laith said.

"I know but I have to try. I love you. I have had a crush on her since 6th grade. I want her now!" I said.

"Not after this bitch!" Bella said walking in. She had a gun aimed at me. I froze.

Gunshot after Gunshot after Gunshot. I looked down at my feet seeing my whole team dead, bleeding out. But when I looked back at the entrance she wasn't there. I raced out of the room asking people to help me. No one wanted to help me. I started crying right there in front of everyone.

I heard someone walk towards me with high heels. I heard the click-clack from down the hall. When it stopped they were right in front of me.

"Come with us and join us against her," They said. I looked up and saw Erika. I smiled while she lent me her hand. She helped me get up and we left. Now I just have to find her again.

Bella pov

"Let's go to a bar tonight or a club," Eduardo suggested. I smiled looking up at the taller boy. I laughed before saying, "Club."

We entered the closest club and went straight to the bar area. We got a couple of drinks before leaving. We were really drunk.

"I wanna fuck you," Eduardo suddenly said. I replied with a hum.

"I want to fuck you so hard you will forget about Kimberly or Annet," I smiled.

"Let's go then, baby," I smirked.

Edwardo pov

I finally spotted the two walking out of a club together but they looked highly intoxicated to be walking home alone. I ran out of the car and grabbed them, pulling them into the car. Tonight was the night that I would have my way with Bella. Then get married. I have to convince her and treat her like a princess make her forget about all her exes. Tonight I will fuck her softy and passionately.

"Are we almost there babe?" Bella asked.

"Almost baby girl,"

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