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Enid's POV


As I was walking back to me and wednesdays room, I thought I would go out to jericho to buy some food and maybe bring wednesday a quad over ice.

As I'm walking out the gates of Nevermore, I feel am earie feeling, not a alarming one though, so I ignore it and make my way to the Weathervane.

I finally made it to the Weathervane, as I walk in with a creak from the door and the little ding of the bell, its quite nice and isn't annoying as other sounds.

I make my way to the counter, and of course theres a new barista, I met them last year a few months after the incident..

"Hey Zion!" I greet them

They look up from what they were doing "Hey Enid! The usual?" they say looking back down working on a drink.

"Yep! Oh and a quad on ice!"

"Wednesday sent you?" They said

"Oh? How'd you know its wednesday's? And nope! Its more like a surprise!"

"Ooo a surprise, whats the occasion? Also she goes here to read" they point to a booth thats been painted black "You can tell she's been here often" they chuckle.

"Damnn- Why haven't I noticed that before-"

They chuckle again "Enid your usually facing away from it, and usually sit here by the window" They point out "Whilst that spot is kind of in a corner"

I giggle as they hand me the to-go cups
I thank zion and left to hopefully find wednesday writing on her obnoxiously loud typewriter, it is almost her writing time..

Wednesday's POV

TW! <Threats. Its Wednesday what do you expect>

As I'm getting ready for my writing time enid came bursting in the door to my displeasure I'm glad she is safe..


"Sinclair if you don't quiet down, I will chain you down to a surgeons table and dissect you like those frogs in our dissection class."

She smiles at me "Okayy~ Here I got you something! You can enjoy it while writing!" she says, I turn back to see her walking over with a quad in hand..

"I wasn't so sure about the sugar and other stuff.. Buuuut- I'm pretty sure zion got it!" she says handing it to me.

"He does know how I like it. Since I've been ordering the same thing for a year now." As I said that I see a glimpse of something in her eyes. It was too fast for me to tell...

<End of TW>

Enid's POV


I felt a bit of a pang in my chest as wednesday tells me how zion does know how she likes her quad..

I've known her longer.. Why do I feel like that..- Zions a good person, he's not a normie either.. Though he might be powerful because of what he is..

To be honest when me and wednesday found out what he was 4 days after meeting him.. I thought I caught a glimpse of fear in wednesday's eyes, even if I'm not that sure about wednesday, I know the fuck I was-

I wolfed out meaning I'm stronger than before but even if, I won't be able to take Zion's power.. Good thing they're nice and have good temper!

As I stir away from that thought.. I smiled at wednesday, seeing she might've saw a little bit of the jealousy in my eyes-- WAIT JEALOUSY- WHAT-

"Hey- uhm- I'm gonna go to yoko's real quick, I'll be back!" I say before running out the door..

Wednesday's POV


Its been 2 hours since enid went to yoko's. It was.. Unusual to see her rush like that. She only ever does that when she sees ajax because she is still head over heels for that gorgon.

"Disgusting.." I mumble out.

As I finish up my writing and getting up to change into my sleeping clothes.

As I am looking for a shirt to wear, the obnoxious wolf bursts in..

"Enid your staring."

"Wh-- OH- O-Oh!! IM SO SORRY OHMYGOD" She rushes covering her face and heading to the bathroom.


Enid's POV




I knew wednesday was perfect but god fucking damn.. Her abs.. Her biceps.. She might be short but fucking damn her body is just.. Damn..


Yoko was teasing me about liking her.. I don't- I can't- I have ajax, even though I haven't really answered him about being my boyfriend..

I can't be gay.. Right.. I'm not homophobic! For gods sake yoko is literally dating divina and were all besties..

Am I gay.. No.. No it cant be.. Maybe this is just a phase! I'll be fine..

I chuckle nervously at the thought..

As I'm heading out of the bathroom I see wednesday sitting on my bed.. Shit-


"Before you say anything! I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare or make you uncomfortable- I just I-"

She cuts me off "This isn't about that enid. I saw that book on the floor and wanted to ask If I could borrow it." she says in her usual emotionless deadpan tone..

"Yeah.. S-sure" I mentally face palm because of the way I stuttered..

"I'm still sorry about that tho.." I say looking down fiddling with my fingers..

"Its fine enid." She deadpans grabbing the book and going back to her side..


914 words.

A/N : Zion is in fact me wshshshsh


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