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Enid's POV

Time skip to 2 days later.

Its been two days since wednesday had a vision, I tried asking her about it again a few hours after it happened still hasn't told me..

And now shes been avoiding me! I don't even know why.. Whenever I try to talk to her, either she blocks me out and ignores me or just say shes busy and skedaddle away..

Dont get me wrong but the way she skedaddles is SOOO funny to me, given how short she is.. I giggle at the thought.

Its pretty cute too..


U g h . . !

Wednesday's POV

TW! Violence.


I've been staring at enid for the past 20 minuets now. And shes just been staring into space zoned out.

So I made up my mind to approach her. Until her friend yoko and divina showed up.. The couple were sickening to look at, kind of like mother and father.

At least they aren't as touchy. As I was about to leave to go back to our dorm to start writing for my novel, someone who I yearn to be in jail longer.. Thorpe.

"Hey Wednesday!" He says brightly with a toothy grin that sent slithering snakes up my spine and not in a good way.

"What is it thorpe." I deadpan with a slightly threatening tone. Walking out to head to ophelia hall.

He follows almost tripping. Pathetic.

"I-I I've been wanting to ask if you wanted to go for a coffee maybe.. You know- a date-"

I scoff "Of all people Xavier, you should know I don't do dates, nor feelings, let alone Love." making him stop in his tracks and pulling me by my wrist.

Ugh this reprobate never gives up.

"Oh come on wends.." he says going to pin me to the wall but before he could..

I pinned him instead pulling a knife out and forcing it to his neck making it bleed a little.

"WO- WOAH WOAH OKAY I'M SORRY!" He stutters and yells desperately.

Again, pathetic.

I remove the knife from his neck putting it back where it was and walking away to our dorm.

Yoko's POV


I just saw what went down with Thorpe and Addams.. I got it on video eheheheh

Lowkey If I wasn't dating divina I would say wednesday was hot for that. I thought sending the video to enid, pretty sure shes heading back to their dorm as well.. Wahaha I can't wait for her reaction! Hopefully she won't smack the hell out of me-

Enid's POV


As I'm walking to our dorm I see Xavier walking back down with a tiny cut on his neck looking fairly new because of the blood still streaming out a little.. Huh- WEDNESDAY! I ran worriedly..

As I get close to our dorm I see wednesday about to open our dorm's door.

"Wednesday! Hold up!" I say jogging towards her "Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?!" I rushed checking her out <Not in that way you scoundrels!> to see if there were any physical damage

"Enid I'm fine. Why did you even ask." she says in her usual deadpan tone.

"I saw Xavier walking away from here and I thought you guys faughtandithoughtyouwerehurtsoiwante-" I got caught off from my rambling by a soft but cold finger on my lips-

I start to turn a bright red my face heating up.. Eep--

"I'm fine sinclair. Did you forget who I am for a second, because Xavier is a weak, idiotic, and pathetic excuse of a guy. He wouldn't be able to put even a little scratch on me." she deadpans.

She's right though.. I completely forgot wednesday could handle and protect herself..

I nod letting her know.. Suddenly I feel her grab my wrist and pull me into our dorm..

Time skip to 11:07 pm

I couldn't sleep.. I've been having the worse nightmares ever..

And they're all about wednesday getting hurt.. I really do care about the girl, she is my bestfriend after all..

I just cant stand thinking she might get hurt.. or worse..

I was brought out of my thoughts because I heard some shuffling from across the room--

As I look over I see wednesday getting up.. "Hey wens, you okay?" I asked sitting up on my bed.

"Do not call me that. And yes I'm fine.. Just cant sleep." she responds.

I hum "Okay wens, same here- bec-"

"Because of your nightmares. I am aware. What are they about?" she says sitting on the edge of her bed facing me

"well.." I say getting up and walking to sit with her "some of them are about.. You.." I said sitting beside her facing her..

She didn't say anything but the atmosphere kind of shifted to something different.. I'm not sure what it is until I realized we were only inches apart making me go red..

And then suddenly...


823 words!


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