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There was a good night in the huge castle. Celis was in her giant bed, she was under the sheet bed and she was thinking about much things.

"Okay. I don't understand nothing. This is my room, my huge room, and this bed are mine, a giant bed, because... Sarila is in love for me... that's stupid, I can't believe it... but... it is better than my department in the city, I love this huge bed..." Celis thought while she hugged her bed sheet and saw around the room. "All around is clean, and smells sweetie, this bed sheet is very soft. I go to sleep. This... this is my third night in this castle, I... I go to sleep like a princess... I think..." thought Celis.

Celis fall in a deep dream and she saw her mother, Celis looked like a little girl, and her mother was speaking very sweet to her.

"You are my little princess, I love you so much my love" said Celis' mom.

"Am I a princess? Why you think that mommy?" said the little Celis.

"Oh! I said that because you are very beautiful, you are the most beautiful girl in the world!" said her mom.

"Mommy, if I am a princess, is there a prince for my?" said a Celis to her mom.

"Yes darling! There is a prince for you, and you meet him in the future, and you will be very happy!" said her mom.

Suddenly the ambient changed, she saw her father that was scolded her.

"You are a bitch! A fucking slut! Get out of my house!" screamed her father.

Celis was in her knees, and she was crying a lot.

"Please! Forgive me! I... I didn't that he will be a stupid! Sorry papa... please forgive me...

"Shut up slut! Get out of my house!" screamed her father.

"Please! Forgive me!" said Celis. "Mom, you said after that I am a princess! Please mom, forgive your princess... huge me... I need you... I love you..." said Celis, but she looked like a little girl again. Her mom doesn't respond.

A huge shadow covered all around, like a thick black smoke cloud. Suddenly, when the smoke disappeared, Celis was in the middle of a trouble, in her car. Her car didn't start and she was fighting to that to do to start.

"Oh! Fuck! C'mon! C'mon!" said Celis while she tried to start the car.

The dream continued, Celis saw the exhaust pipe of her car, and it release a huge blue smoke cloud. Suddenly she was in the bus stop.

"Well... I'll never buy a cheap car again... I promise that..." said Celis.

A bus passed near the bus stop and it leave too much smoke to Celis. She aside the smoke with a hand while she was holding her breathe. Among the smoke, appeared Sarila.

"Darling..." said the girl to Celis.

"Oh! Sarila! It's too good to see you, I need to tell you something... I..." said Celis to her, but she interrupted her with a word.

"Darling..." said Sarila again, she was smiling.

"Darling... well... thanks for... for all... but... I need to tell you something... I think that I can't love you like you..." said Celis. Sarila interrupter her again.

"Darling..." said Sarila again.

"Ok. I'm not a lesbian, I'm a girl... I'm a woman, I like men, and I don't like other girls, I... I..." said Celis and she started to cry. "I'm not lesbian, 'cause lesbian are sluts... and I not a slut... I'm not a slut!" said Celis, she became a little girl again. "I'm a princess... I'm a princess... Oh god! Please... forgive me mom, dad... please, love me again... I... I..." said Celis.

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