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Charlotte chose to become more of a noble and less of a girl with a heart that weighed more than her. She needed to breathe and yet, the fire churning within her insides constantly flickered. Inside and outside the spiraling of her flames would not yield its smokey blue smoke. She needed to concentrate on the battle yet, all she could hear was her insides like the crackling of a fireplace.

It was a silent standoff between the four bodies. So quiet that only Charlotte's barely audible breaths were heard. The maple syrup colored leaves carried along the wind as the girl looked up. Her limbs were frozen but the cloud like creatures began to multiply.

They attached themselves to her body with a sticky substance. Charlotte thought, "That smells like honey." But the substance was constantly heating and cooling along her limbs before seeping itself into her limbs.

Her vitality was quivering like a fawn, barely able to make out a few steps. Strange markings imprinted themselves on her flesh like needle to thread to fabric, except now it was to needle to flesh. Charlotte let out a silent croak as she felt thousands of those pin cushion pinches along her body. Raw and red welts colored her skin alongside the markings as if to showcase her pain from the agreement of the jewels. She thought, "Maybe I wasn't ready to use these jewels."

On occasion, Charlotte felt like a piece of loose string dangling from a beautiful dress. A loose end that could tear everything apart or that should just be cut. She thought, "You must pull yourself together Charlotte. Don't unravel in front of all of these eyes. Don't cut yourself out of this battle. You must be fit enough, to take charge. There are people here, who're responsible for you but, this too shall pass. And when their obligation is fulfilled, it will be time for you to fulfill your own".

But her pep talk on felt weightless. She felt her nose burn. Charlotte began to reek of burning wood and her mouth filled with a metal taste.

Charlotte's body was constantly acquiring and dissipating energy. The pup in her arms wiggling from her grasp before running faster than the slow falling leaves drifting to eye level in front of her. Her eyes were constantly losing and recovering her vision. She thought, "Until the poor noble girl reeking of misfortune, finally fell from exhaustion, like the loose string she always imagined herself to be.

A transformation of callous instances was amidst.

The mature woman rolled her shoulders backwards with a slow rhythm, as she stared out at the two intruders in anticipation. The water swirling around her form, focusing on her arms and legs. The liquid entering and exiting her body as she focused on maintaining the stability of the substance fighting the flow of her will.

The fire manipulator's flames were licking away at his cloak. As his cloak slowly began to sear his muscular form was revealed. Bright orange eyes were glowing as they met her deep ocean blue who wavered between the orange of his eyes, to the limes of his partners. His blackened forearms were the color of coal and his partner's arms were wrapped in a hardened version of the earth.

Marilyn's eyes moved cautiously between the two as the constant puffs of smoke left the orange eyed fellows nostrils as he exhaled dragon's breath. Each of the intruder's eyes began to showcase roman numerals in a spidery formation. The lingering transmissions stretched around their eyes and skin like spiderwebs.

A countdown materialized as it tapered along their eyes and materialized alongside their suspense. In the unwavering silence water met flame. A greying smoke met a whitened mist. As she wrapped her hands together making both of the whips overtaking the left side of her face, rustling of branches became the only sound.

Marilyn looked up at the branches of the trees. They were shaking as the leaves became a veil overtaking the cast of mist and fog. They wrapped around each other steadily and rustled against her ears as they altered into arms, wrists, and hands.

With a clench of its fist the branches of the trees sprung its arm up and shook the earth from its intensity. Marilyn, barely capable of processing the sudden assault, threw herself out of the way. Each simultaneous hit became more viscous as she tried to block each strike of the whips of flames. The wicked arms above covered in a heavy and blackened bark above, attempting to strangle her momentum away.

Marilyn's focus intensified as she thought, "I could split this defensive stance into an offensive".

The water whip flowing in continuous ripples from her left side as an ice sword and shield morphed into her right side. The fire spheres lit the fog as its intensity dispersed the fog into a linear line. With each of the volcanic flames heading straight for Charlotte.

Marilyn utilized the water whip in order to glide herself towards Charlotte and her ice shield to block the ongoing attacks from the tree. Each strike from the tree's hands sought to slam her against the forest floor with its weight. Her eyes briefly crossed in her stride but, she didn't make it in time.

The flaming spheres were in a sprint as they raced in the air. Marilyn's head spun with a thought, "I won't make it. What will happen to her? What will happen to me?"

She gritted her teeth against the looming possibilities as she threw her ice sword through the parallelled fog, staking the fire manipulator's lower belly. His forehead thick with sweat from the ice and the continued attacks of the fire spheres. The charcoal against his arms receding and the abyss on his palms thickening. His heat began to fortify a new kind of mist.

The fog began to become a deeper shade blinding her further. She hoped that it would also blind her opponent. But, focus on the fire user's vulnerability caused her to become blindsighted by another opponent, the earth user whose tree manipulation locked its branches around her wrist in branches of handcuffs.

Marilyn watched the fireballs and Charlotte's exchange as she thought, "What is going on?"


The roaring fire spheres slowly began to immerse in the shield created around Charlotte by the cloud creatures. Those flames lifted above the shield in a swirling fervor. The spheres altering and straightening needle-like. Those swirls transitioning from an intensified volcanic red to a calming citrine.

Charlotte let out a strangled wheeze as its potency pressured its way within her stomach. The intensity caused a throb from its intensity straight into her vitality. Her eyes fluttered as she looked out at the shield with a blurring vision.

She smelled the moving earth before she felt it. The woodsy scent that once filled her with her curiosity but now filled her with soot. The earth began to rotate her around before her throat, her eyes, her mouth, and her ears were filled by the earth. Her eyes were wide and blinking in affliction as she was swallowed by a crater into the earth by an unknown source. The force ripping away at the flesh on her arms. Her hands attempting to fight against the vigor with her hands clawing upwards from the profound trench swallowing her. The wetness of the earth distinguished the flare of her flickering flames, as she choked on grime.

Her head peaked from underneath the cavity of the earth as her figure was blanketed by the soil. She willed the muck out of her throat and fluttered reddening eyes.

Marilyn questioned helplessly, "Charlotte! Why are you doing this?"

The clock on their skin timed out causing their skin to tinge in greying tones. The pupils of their eyes whitened as they spoke harmoniously in a grated growl, "This began as a test for her highness however, because of your negligence for her highness, you shall be punished for your audacious crimes".


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