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Charlotte slowly cracks her eyes open since, the jolts from her nanny's back couldn't contain her endless curiosity. She saw two towering figures covered in mercury capes. Their stone like skin greying in color as crumbles of rubble fell from them.

The more she watched them, the longer their limbs seemed to stretch. They began to be more taunt and less rigid. They became more life-like and less robotic. They made haste chasing the girl and the nanny as they zoomed past the trees, past the darkened earth, and past the chilling white breath coming from the girl's throat.

The freezing day only seemed to become colder. The sun seemed to become farther. You could see the light ut, they were starved of its warmth. Charlotte looked down at her fingers and watched them slowly become blue. She thought, "How could this be? Perhaps it's going to start to storm or snow?"

As the girl looked up at the sky a raindrop fell down on top of her nose. She flinched from its chill as she huddled further into her protector, her nanny. With quivering and cloud like puffs she released a breath to tuck away her fear and bring forth her pride.

As the earth began to shake, it also began to create cracks down below. Charlotte lost herself to curiosity as she tried to figure out what was underneath.  Her nanny's legs quivering from the shocks as shocking jolts of debris covered her eyes and entered her throat. Charlotte let out choking coughs into her blue hands. Her eyes clenched shut from the assault as she tries to rub the debris from her eyes. She looks up with blurring eyes as chunks of the moistened earth propelled  past her face.

She could not help the un-noble like surprised look on her face that she knew her elder teacher would scold her for,  as another piece of the earth whizzed past her face so closely it caused a scratch on her face. She let out a gasp as her frozen fingers shakily met the glittering of her blood that ran down her chin. Her blue hands began to heat as she recalled a lingering moment.

Charlotte gazed out at the bay window from her room as she watched the bubbling of the volcano outside of her bay window. She sat against the silver window on her cushioned seat as she admired the gurgling of the volcano underneath, with a giddy smile on her face. She smiled as she felt the heat of the lava strengthen her fiery constitution. She brought her hands together as she looked up at the starry skies. She wondered, "Perhaps my not so close family is looking down at me, while I'm looking up at them. Do they see hope down here, just like I feel hope, everytime I look up?"

Her mother's voice leaned into her ears as usual and said, "We came from the stars as stardust  and down to this planet we became a different kind of flame. We searched for adventure, especially since your father hailed from the nation of the sagittarius. Let's continue to find the things that set our hearts on fire."

Charlotte let out a thoughtful sigh as she looks beyond the molten rock gates outside of her chambers. The amber flames peeking out from the molten rock of the gates that she saw a woman and crouched down. Their constitution aflame as they appeared to attack each other, only to attach to one another all over again. Charlotte tilted her head head in confusion as they pressed against the stone and down the charred path that leads to the entrance of the private villa.

As she opened her mouth to prepare to scold those reckless adults fraternizing outside of her gates and interrupting her volcanic watching, until they detached once more for good. Their flames no longer blazing, their embers no longer landing on the tips of the volcanic wall but, scowling at one another.

Their sudden change in demeanor caused Charlotte to tilt her head in utter confusion. She thought, they seemed to get along with one another just fine before. She was reminded of her mother's voice once again after her and her father's constitution blended together as she thought, "Mother always said only those who know each other very much should blend their constitutions".

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