Chapter 6

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Glimmer was brought before Horde Prime. Two servants by her side to make sure she didn't step out of line.

"We're having trouble with that friend of yours-"

"She's not my friend." Glimmer growled.


"She's vile, disgusting, and-"

"I see. Well whatever she may be, she's the only one who knows how to use this weapon. Bt she refusing to tell us how, no matter how many scars we must give her."


"We tried to, interrogate her, you could say. Of course the stubborn majicat refused to submit."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing major. Just some shock therapy." Prime chuckled. "However unless we get information soon we'll have to go to extreme measures. Electrocuting is one thing, however our lightning wips-"


"What?" Prime asked,

"You can't hurt her!" Glimmer cried.

"Why not? You yourself just said she's vile," Prime smirked.

"You're torturing her! Thats not ok!"


"However, if you want an alliance I do not accept touchure!"

"Oh sweetie," Prime snapped his fingers and servants grabbed Glimmer. "You thought you had a choice?"

Claws and Cuts(Catra angst--SHE-RA fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now