4 ~getting closer

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"Hey you don't have to answer this question if it's too personal but how'd you get that scar on your left side?" I asked todoroki since his scar looked really bad but cool at the same time.

"I'll tell you how but you need to promise not to tell anyone about this. Also don't talk about it that much it makes me feel uncomfortable" I responded back my nodding my head and saying "ok...."

He then told me everything about his past. How his dad forced him to do really hard training. His mom giving him that scar and being sent to the hospital. And how his dad used to beat him up worse than he does right now"

"Damn I'm really sorry todoroki I didn't know you had such a bad childhood" by this time we were not even doing the project and just talking about our childhoods.

"My childhood is nothing compared to yours" I said to him thinking about how bad he had to struggle his whole life.

"It's kind of better now though, he doesn't beat me up as much but he still has me doing really hard intense training" he said. "Do you mind telling me about your childhood?" He asked looking at me with a worried look.

"Yeah sure" I said back. At that point I told him about my whole childhood. (I won't explain her whole childhood since technically you already heard all of it at the begging of the story)

"Damn yeah it's not as bad as mine but I still feel really bad for you" he responded back. At this point we were both just really sad looking back at our terrible childhoods.

"Anyways let's try and finish this project" I said as I was wiping tears off my eyes. "Ok" he said. Something was different about this ok thought. He sounded more trusting. More confident. More...peaceful.

I think I did it. I think I gained trust in him.

We started working on the project about our quirks and it was actually pretty interesting since I didn't even know his quirk since I've never seen him use it before.

"What's your quirk?" I asked him curiously. "I can make fire/flames out of my left side and ice out of my right side" he said. "I can make ice too!" I excitedly told him. "Mine is similar to yours, I can make ice out of my right side and water out of my left side" I said to him. "So technically your quirk is the opposite of mine?" He said with a smile. "Yeah you can say that" I said back smiling.

I was shocked. I had never seen him smile before. "You know todoroki you should smile more, it suits you" I said to him as he was writing down notes about our quirks for the project. "Oh, thanks, I'll try" he said trying to smile more now.

The rest of the day we just kept trying to get to know eachother better as we where doing the project. Until finally, we finished.

"Phew I'm so glad we're done" I said as I was cleaning my hands with a napkin since we used paint to decorate our board and my hands were really dirty.

"Yeah, I should get going now my dad is gonna make me train even harder" todoroki said as he was packing up his stuff in his backpack.

I looked over at the clock to check the time. I saw that it was 7:45 pm. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow, bye todoroki!" I said to him as he was exiting out from my house. "Bye" he said back.

I quickly returned to my room and cleaned it since it was a freaking mess due to us doing the project.

After cleaning up I went to take a quick cold shower and put on my pajamas after getting out. I was cleaning my uniform when I heard the front door open.

I peeked through my door just to make sure no one broke in. But luckily it was just my mom getting back from work. I didn't want to make any interaction with her so I quickly turned off the lights and jumped into bed.

I then heard my door open and close. I turned around to see if she was till there. She had only opened the door to check up on me.

I continued washing my uniform until it was clean.

It was 10:37 pm and I was pretty tired so I decided I was going to sleep. I turned off my lights and made myself comfortable in my bed.

Until I fell in a deep sleep.

~next morning~

"Ugh here we go again" I groaned as I rolled my eyes and jumped out of bed to get ready for school.

I went to the bathroom to wash my teeth, and take a quick shower. After I got out I put on my uniform and brushed my hair.

When I was done packing my books and stuff in my backpack, I went downstairs to go get some quick breakfast. After I was done I went going straight to school.

On my way to school I saw todoroki walking down the sidewalk of the street. "Oh hey todoroki I didn't know you lived around here!" I said running up to try and catch up with him. When I said that, he startled a bit. "Omg Adachi you scared me and hey nice to see you" he said with a surprised face. "haha yeah sorry but anyways do you live around here or are you just walking by?" I asked him.

"Oh I live around here" he responded back in a calm voice. "Omg really?! Yay!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

We then decided to walk to school together. We just peacefully talked the rest of the walk.

When we got to the classroom we both quickly went to our seats.

We sat at our desks quietly as we where listening to what aizawa sensei was saying. "Ok class listen up I have a special announcement" sensei said. The class all of a sudden got quieter when he said that.

"Today you guys have a free day! Why you may ask? Because today the teachers are planning a surprise field trip for tomorrow" everyone cheered as mr.aizawa said that. "You may do whatever you want around the class without causing trouble. Now let me go to the meeting" sensei then walked out of the classroom, closing the door behind him.

The whole class immediately went with all of their friends to have fun. Of course, I went with todoroki.

But as I was approaching him this little cute brunette girl suddenly stood right in front of me.

"Hello! My name is ochaco uraraka! You look interesting wanna be friends?!" The girl said with a huge adorable smile in her face.


Omg I'm so excited for the next, next chapter hehe. (You'll see why this is where the good part begins)

Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far.

(Who tf am I talking to no ones gonna read this crap anyways I'm doing this book for myself -_-)

Welp anyways baiii!

Blinded by your friendship~ bnha ~ Himari ocWhere stories live. Discover now