3 ~making a friend

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As I stepped into the classroom I immediately saw almost the whole class already there but the teacher was no where to be seen.

It was 7:45 am after all we still have 15 more minutes left. I saw a bunch of interesting kids. But a specific one caught my attention....

A boy sitting in the back of the class alone.

"Hey you look familiar do I know you?" I asked the split hair colored boy.

"Yeah at the entrance exam I was the one that talked to you" he quietly said. He sounded dead inside to be honest.

"Oh yeaaaa now I remember" I replied back. "What a surprise we're in the same class right" I nervously said since I don't really communicate with people.

"Yea" was all he said.

I don't know why but just by looking at him, hearing his voice, and looking at his dead eyes I could tell he had a rough time......and I'm saying that from experience.

"It's hard isn't it?" was all I said as he quickly turned around to me with a shocked expression of how I knew.

"I've been through that too you know, I don't exactly know your case but from a dead person to another I can tell you've been thought some really bad stuff" I quietly whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"My name is shoto todoroki" he said in a more comfortable tone.

"I'm Himari, himari adachi" I said back knowing that at that moment we had made a close bond with eachother even after not knowing anything about eachother's problems at home.

"Alright class 1-A I am mr.aizawa and I will be your guy's homeroom teacher" I heard a voice say.

I just had a confused and shocked looked on my face as I saw a yellow sleeping bag on the floor containing our teacher.

"Okay everyone sit down please sit down we will now be starting class" I quickly took a seat next to todoroki's since he was really the only person that I know in that class.

"today I want to know more about your guy's quirks and what you want to do in the future" Mr. Aizawa said "so you guys will have to do a project about that" the whole class groaned.

"But we just started school it's our first day" the pink looking hyper girl said.

"Yeah I don't want to do a project this early!" someone else screamed.

"You guys haven't even let me finished......you will be working in partners" the whole class let out a big "YAY!"

"You have two days to make your project explaining your quirk and what you plan doing in your future. Now let me sleep." aizawa sansei said.

I quickly went into a panic. I'm really antisocial and I didn't even know anyone from this class. Who am I going to partner up with?!

"Hey do you want to be partners?" I asked todoroki since he literally was the only single person I knew here and who knows maybe we can even become good friends.

"Sure I don't have anyone" he calmly said back. "Just one thing though" he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "What is it?" I asked. "Can we do the project at your house? My dad would kill me if I even brought someone home"

Even though I didn't know anything of his past I could tell it was way worse than mine and I think my mom would understand if it's a school project.

"Sure but let's just try to keep our distance from my mom please" I said nervously. I'm guessing he already knows I have a bad relationship with my mother.

"Ok I'll try" he said. I don't think he knows this but even if he doesn't I still consider him as a friend.

~after school cuz I'm lazy af~

As I was walking home after school I remember that I had the project. "Omg I had completely forgotten all about that" I though to myself. "I need to find todoroki quick before he leaves" and that's where I saw him.

He was walking out of the school almost at the gate. "Todoroki!!" I screamed after him trying to get his attention. He quickly turned around to see who it was that was calling him.

"I'm sorry I came late do you wanna go to my house now" he responded back with a nod. I could tell that he was one of those very distant people that don't really do any interaction with anyone.

But I was gonna change that......

I will make him my friend so that he has trust in me.

"My mom may not be there since she has work so hopefully we have the house to ourselves so it would be easier to do the project" I told todoroki as we were walking at the street to where my house is.

"Good" he said back. Damn. He really needs to learn how to be more social. Even if it's just a little bit. But yet again, I have the same problem. Maybe I'll try and make a friend or two when we go back to school.

The rest of the walk to my house was completely silent. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was a peaceful silence. Like we know that we are friends but not close enough to actually be interacting a lot.

When we finally got to my house the front door was already opened. Once I stepped inside it was completely silent. "I guess my mom is not here" I told todoroki. "Let's go upstairs to my room it would be easier doing it there" he responded back with a "sure" My god this kid really needs help to be more social. I decided I would teach him as we where doing the project.

When we went inside of my room we immediately put our backpacks down and started working on the project.

"Are you hungry? I can go make us some soba" I said with my stomach growling. I hadn't ate all day so I was super hungry and I was guessing todoroki was too.

He quickly turned around away from the card board in which we were gonna do our project on. "Omg how did you know....I absolutely LOVE soba!" Damn that was the first time he said a complete strong sentence. He looked at me with shocked excited eyes. "Oh well I didn't know I just like soba a lot I'm not as obsessed with it as you are" I said to him giving him a smile since he was literally freaking out over the fact I just suddenly knew he liked soba.

(Idk why this part is so funny to me I can imagine todoroki getting all excited over soba lol)

I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen with todoroki and ate soba. He ate it so fast I was completely shocked. "Damn you must really love soba huh?" I asked him. "Yeah I guess you can say that" he said to me giving me a nervous smile.

When I finished my soba we went back upstairs to continue working on the project when I decided I would ask him something a bit personal.


Omg is she gonna ask him out?!? Jk jk, I'm planning to just make them best friends I ship tododeku Owo

Anyways to be honest I really like how this story is turning out and what I have in plan for the rest of the story.

Just wait till the good part comes out, that's where it gets interesting

Welp go ahead and go to the next chapter hehe.

Blinded by your friendship~ bnha ~ Himari ocWhere stories live. Discover now