Russia, 1652

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We went to the kitchen and sat down on the stools at the bar table.

"Okay," Octavian began, "what Gabriel gave you is something that we supernatural beings and hunters like to call Somnusrupttoxicum. In Latin it means sleepy and burst and poison. Sleepy because it causes one to sleep constantly, and burst because it feels as though at every second your insides are bursting. And poison because that is exactly what it is. When a vampire gets ahold of it, his body goes into a state of convulsions and then sleeps. Sleep can last between 48 hours to 60 hours. Once awake, the vampire slowly gains back his uncanny abilities. First they get their nocturnal and day eyes back. Then it's their hearing, and then smell, and lastly the ability to freeze time. It takes lots of effort to gain back the control to turn into a flock of bats. And your strength is just depleted for a while. These negative symptoms only last up to a week. So far, Dracula is on day four."

I looked away and just stared into Levi's pale eyes.

"Sometimes they aren't right in their minds. Dracula was once poisoned with Somnusrupttoxicum before." I looked at the bald vampire with interest. "It was Russia, 1652 ... ."

Suddenly, white smoke rose around me and I braced myself for a vision that was long overdue.

Levi was asleep now in my arms. I hoped that whatever was about to happen, wouldn't be too loud for him and wake him up.

It was raining as a carriage drove by on a dirt road. Mud sputtered up but went right through me. I was in front of a large home. A home that most likely belonged to a family of high nobility during the 17th century. The man driving the carriage stepped down from his coachman seat and opened the small flimsy door. I caught my breath when I saw my husband step out of the carriage holding hands with another woman. Jealousy and rage filled up inside me but someone else's feelings clouded mine over. Suddenly Octavian was beside them and I could smell that the woman was human. I then came to the conclusion that she knew of both men being vampires.

"We must hurry," the woman said in a Russian accent. I was slightly surprised to hear her speak English.

"It is too late," Octavian said. As I got a closer look, I realized how sickly Octavian looked. Then the pain came flooding in. My knees went weak and I fell to the ground. I took in sharp breaths and held Levi close.

Is Octavian sick with Somosesreptoxic-whatever?

"No!" The woman screamed. She wore a black dress with a cloak around her. Alexandru and Octavian wore nobleman's clothing. The coachman came over and held an umbrella over the woman. They all four then ran inside and I followed once I got a hold of myself. Part of me wished I hadn't brought Levi into this peak into the past with me.

We walked down a dark corridor lit with candles where no one exchanged words. I wish they had so that I knew what was going on.

We burst into a room and I found an old man lying in a large bed. He was dead. I could smell it.

"I tried all that I could but ... " Octavian tried to say as he plopped himself down into a chair. He was overcome with fatigue and hunger.

Alexandru placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and said, "We know." The woman walked over to the bed and began to weep. She fell into the covers on her knees and her hood flew off.

Her hair was yellow and from earlier I could tell that she was a very pretty woman. She was way more curvier than me and I was slightly jealous.

"My love," Alexandru began, "I am sorry that I wasn't able to make it here in time."

"Just try!" The woman lashed out. "Please," she softly added. Alexandru walked over to her and I wanted to rip his hands off her shoulders.

"Okay," he said into her ear. He leaned over the dead man and sunk his fangs into the man's neck. Golden streams flew through the man's veins and I couldn't help but almost feel a heartbeat from him. But suddenly, I felt shocked and worried.

"Drac! Look out!" Octavian yelled, but it was too late. The woman that they were with, stabbed the vampire in the back near the heart with a stake. Alexandru let out a gasp and fell to the floor. I looked at the woman and she had murder in her eyes and a wicked smile.

The scene before me was all too familiar as my husband convulsed in front of me like he did a few days ago and then was suddenly asleep. The woman went to lay her hands on him but Octavian stood up.

"Don't you dare touch him!" He yelled as he came up to the woman. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the bed. Anger rose in my throat and I tried to quiet the now awake and crying Levi. I was just glad that he and I were ghosts in this dream.

Octavian drew his fangs and sunk them into the woman. She squirmed under his grip but then began to speak with an innocent tone.

"Thee Dracula. Two vampires. I was so close. My father was dying. All the fortune would go to my brother. If I could just prove that I was the favorite one. I told my father about you two. He told me I was a fool. So I thought I'd speed up the process of his death."

"You vile woman." Octavian said before he ripped her head off.

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