I get Drugged

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I cried on the way to the castle and I tried to stop. Alexandru had the ears of an elephant. I parked in the carriage garage and just sat there with my head on the wheel. Levi was asleep and the lights seeping through the windows of the large storage room were dim and the room itself was musty.

Suddenly the skin on my neck rose and goose bumps grew up my arms and thighs. Alexandru was in the car.

"Why are you crying?" His questioning tone was soft and matched the darkness of the garage. I lifted my head off the wheel but avoided eye contact.

"I saw Gabriel today." I answered with a raspy voice. I wiped at my eyes.

"What? He's back?" I noticed a while ago that Alexandru was more open with his true feelings after we got married. I was able to add emotions to the list. Emotions that I didn't think the Count had. Now, his tone was full surprise but also disgust.

I nodded.

"Did he make you cry?" He steadily asked, trying his best not to assume things.

"Yes and no," I fought back any more tears from slipping out of my eyes and wiped at my face again. I climbed out of the car without properly answering my husband. I opened the back door to grab Levi but Alexandru was there before me.

"I can take him in."

"Then I'll grab the groceries,"

"No, I'll grab those as well, you go and get some sleep. It's almost eight in the morning," I nodded and went to our room.

I walked through the gloomy hallways feeling like a lot of my energy had been depleted. I closed my eyes in the hall and ran into a cupboard. I fell on the ground and knew something wasn't right. I climbed onto my elbows and tried to make out the dark door that was my bedroom down the hall. My head bobbed and I couldn't help but wonder if I'd been drugged or something.

I shook my head trying to rid myself of the sudden drowsiness but a headache developed instead.

I caught my breath as I was suddenly in my bed. "Maggy, Baby," Alexandru rushed as he smoothed my hair with his cold hand. "Talk to me," he lightly tapped my face and I tried to open my eyes.

"Where's Levi?" I was able to whisper.

"He's in the cradle. Are you okay?" I shook my head.

I began to moan as an ache developed in my stomach. I felt a sudden pinch in my arm and knew that Alexandru was trying to heal me. But his pinch went away as fast as it came and I wondered why I was still feeling this way.

Alexandru spit onto the ground and said, "Poison." His poisonous tone was enough to tell me of how angry he felt.

"Wha ... "

"Gabriel drugged you with Vampire Poison. If I try to heal you, I'll go into a state of shock and fall asleep for forty-eight hours." My heart began to pound but I couldn't tell if it was worriedness for my husband, the poison itself, or anger for ever talking to Gabriel.

How did he even drug me?

"Ma awm ... " I moaned, trying my best to spout out cohesive words. Alexandru understood and grabbed both my arms. He immediately dropped one and my assumptions were proven correct.

Gabriel must have rubbed something on my arm when he took hold of my wrist.

I realized Alexandru was kneeling over the bed when he sat on it making my body slightly roll into his.

"Maggy," he began with restraint in his voice, "What is this?" I didn't know what he was referring to but then I winced as his cold thumb pressed against the bruise that Gabriel had pointed out earlier.

I didn't respond and I knew that once the poison wore off my husband would have a bucket load of questions ready to throw at me.

Alexandru leaned down, resting on most likely his elbow, and whispered lowly into my ear. "I can take the pain away," I shook my head and tried to open my eyes. I tried moving my arms to grab hold of him but they would not budge.

Reading my mind, Alexandru caressed my arm and turned my face towards his. He kissed me on the lips and I tried to kiss him back.

"Doughn't," I tried. He grabbed my wrist and I wanted to cry.

"Tell Lukas to place me in my coffin." I jerked my head but the vampire still sunk his fangs into my flesh.

The pain felt like a withdrawal was running through my body back to the original insertion. Relief settled into every inch of my being and my eyes fluttered open.

Alexandru was propped on his elbow and had his mouth on my wrist. He was sucking the poison out and I couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again.

His was risking his life for me. He was willing to take my pain away even if it meant that he would be in pain.

He eyes squeezed shut and he threw my arm away from him. He placed his head in his hands and I couldn't remember a time I'd ever seen him so distraught with pain. He scrambled off the bed as his body began to shake and I began to cry. Never before had I seen my husband and lover experience pain like this. Something inside told me that he was experiencing way more pain than I was earlier.

I crawled across the bed to find him stiff on the ground. I wiped at my face then ran to Levi, who I then found still asleep in his crib. I called Lukas to get home as fast as he could.

Ana-Maria helped me move Alexandru to the bed until Lukas got home. The coffin was still in his and my room. For two days, I lay awake staring at the dark wood of it.

I almost nulled off to sleep until the sound of locks unlocking came to my ears. The keys to his coffin tightened in my hand and I took a deep breath.

I sat up in bed and watched as the lid to the coffin swung open. Alexandru animatedly sat up with his eyes closed.

"Honey?" I softly said. I hadn't gotten any sleep for as much as he did and wasn't sure if I was dreaming.

My husband looked at me and his purple eyes shined in the moonlight that was seeping through the window.

It was eight o'clock at night and Levi was taking a nap in his cradle. 

I crawled out of bed and went to my lover as he clumsily crawled out of his wooden box.

All of Alexandru's weight fell on me as I reached him. His tall frame and muscular weight was too much for me but my body kept it up. I wrapped my arms around his stiff torso and he weakly cupped my head into his cheek.

"Are you okay?" He softly whispered into the night. I let out a stifled laugh as tears began to flow down my cheeks.

"Forget about me, are you okay?" The vampire let out a weak chuckle and squeezed me tight.

"I shall recover fairly quickly."

I pulled him to the bed and we plopped down on it.

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