Attacked by a Monster

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I was nudged awake by my cuddle companion and saw that we were at the school.

Everyone groggily climbed out of Steve's vehicle and made it to their cars. I waved goodbye to Carmichael then climbed into my own car. I slipped in the key and the vehicle wouldn't start. I tried again and again but a problem that'd been pestering me over the past few months had now suddenly become a bigger problem.

How am I going to get home now?

It was five in the morning and I didn't have anything planned. I could just easily walk home.

I got out of my car with my purse around me and locked the car. Everyone was already gone and I was glad that no one saw me walking home.

It was still dark and there was hardly anyone on the streets. I hugged myself and wished for Carmichael's manly arms around me. I began to wonder why I hadn't asked Debby to turn around and give me a ride. Then I began to wonder why I still didn't have Carmichael's number. How will I get in touch with him now?

I kept my head low as I passed a shady part of town. I didn't see anyone so I proceeded onward. Then, suddenly, I was yanked into an empty alleyway. I went to scream but an icy hand crushed my mouth shut. I still muffled a scream in the man's strong hand as his eyes were red with fury and the white fangs that were longer than the rest of his teeth gleamed in a nearby lamp post light.

He wasn't human. Definitely not human. I began to push at him but with every punch the more my jaw broke.

"There's something special about you. Why's a young woman such as yourself wandering town so early in the morning? Didn't anyone teach you to not travel in the dark alone?" The man's breath smelt of blood. His facial features were so horrifying that I didn't take in any effort to make out his appearance. I reached into my purse and pulled out pepper spray. I sprayed the monster but he licked the spray around his mouth and laughed. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm not going to rape you or anything, there's something I desire more than just sex." This moment felt familiar. A memory that I always woke up in the middle of the night screaming and sweating too. I was once in this situation before. The man bore his fangs into my neck and I realized I had been bitten like this before.

There was only one question running through my mind as I began to lose consciousness: What happened to me in Romania?

I stared at the side of the man's face and noticed that his ears were the same as Carmichael's.

I yearned for someone to come and save me. I didn't want to believe it but I was being sucked dry by a vampire. I went limp and he pushed me up against a brick wall of the alley. He pushed himself up against me to keep me up. He squeezed my arms and allowed his claws to dig into my skin. My breaths were soft and slow and I tried to convince myself that this was a dream.

Oh God, I prayed, I haven't been the best. But is this the right punishment to give me? Am I that much of a sinner in thine eyes?

I allowed my prayer to be taken up along with my dignity as I whispered a name that came to me subconsciously.

I suddenly sunk to the floor as I was immediately let go from the grasp of the dagger like nails. I heard a thud and grunts and was able to open my eyes to a horrifying scene. I lost all strength to scream as I watched a tall man looking down at a headless body. He turned my way and the head hanging from his claw like nails dripped blood. It was the head of my vampire. The man was in dark pants and a dark jacket that had a hoodie. His hoodie was over his head and the only thing I could make out was his white fangs and gold eyes. His nose also stuck out in the light but I knew he was the same thing as the other guy. I curled up against the wall and began to cry.

"Please no, p—please n—no—" I began sobbing. The dark vampire shook his head and knelt down in front of me. I closed my eyes and didn't stop crying as he gently grabbed my wrist. I peaked my eyelids back open to see what he was planning and went to scream when he attempted to bite into my arm. He put a finger up to his lips and I obeyed him for no reason. But something about him told me I could trust him.

I watched as the vampire bore into my wrist but it didn't hurt like the others did. The pain I had developed from the bite marks, the loss of blood, the broken jaw, and the claw marks in my arms began to fade away. Strength and energy began to course through my veins and the sensation was familiar. Suddenly an image of being on a counter having blood cleaned off of me raced through my mind. And the thing that was weird about it, were the white hands with long fingernails washing my arms and hands.

When the mysterious vampire was done healing me, he stood up and I couldn't stop looking at him. A friend of his, dressed in the same way, jumped down from above next to him. I was overcome with so much shock at the event that had just occurred that I just stared at the two tall, dark, mysterious monsters. The new one looked at the dead vampire and threw a burning match on him. Perspiration crept down my forehead has the bonfire warmed me on a summer morning.

"Ce zici despre ea?" The other vampire asked in Romanian. "What about her?" He had asked. The one who had healed me of my infirmities hadn't averted his eyes once from me. "Ar trebui să-i ștergem mintea?"

"Mai bine nu." I said back. After asking if they should erase my memory, I said they better not. "I speak Romanian." I said defiantly. The original one smiled and spoke Spanish.

"Por supuesto." He said. "Déjala ser. Me ocuparé de eso más tarde." He walked up to me and I watched as purple mist came from his hand. The next thing I knew, I was in my apartment in my bed and it was eleven in the morning.

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