The Funeral

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*****At the funeral****

Me and Matt walk up to the casket were my mom is laying....dead. With a tissue in my hand im balling my eyes out, i looked at my mom for a very long time thinking about all the funny and not so funny moments we've had.


         We head outside walking to a huge hole with alot of other people while there carrying her casket, we all gatherd around the hole while the preist says a prayer,they put her in the hole and burred it, My eyes were getting watery but then i seen my best friend's Nicole and Kaylee walking up to me, they give me a huge hug saying "sorry for your loss".

          They offered driving me and Matt home so we don't have to take the taxi, when we were walking to the car i quietly said "who am i going to live with?" Matt said "you can live with me" i nodded my head.

****At Matts house****

We walked into the house it was me Matt,Nicole and Kaylee we all came and sat on the couch i sat next to Matt and Nicole . Seconds later Matt sugest that we should wach a movie we all said sure we ended up waching "nemo" we all enjoyed it , and it also took death out of my head.

When the movie was done it was 11:48pm so we decided we should go to sleep,so we did me and Matt shared a room and Kaylee and Nicole shared a room.

****in matts room****

We sat on the bed,looking at eachother, and then he laid down so i did,we pulled over the covers,then we got closer to eachother, then things happened...

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