Chapter thirty three

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Avery and I spent the whole night catching up and avoiding all talk of boys. She didn't want to bring them up and I didn't either. We at brownie mix and pizza while we watched endless chick flicks and it finally felt like I was getting my best friend back. It was over way too soon though, and we both woke up in the morning grumpy and tired.

Laying in bed side by side I turned to look at sleepy Avery. "I know I'm going to miss this when I go back."

She didn't say anything but put her hand over mine and squeezed. After laying a few more minutes in silence I realized what time it was, and knew that I should go visit my family since I was so close.

"I'm going to get a shower." Avery groaned in approval as I hopped off of her bed and headed to the bathroom that Avery and Greg shared.

I had been here so many times in my life that I knew exactly where everything was so I went ahead and stripped down, turning the water on after I was done.

A nice warm shower is just what I need.

I stepped into the stream of hot water and felt it rush down my body. It felt good. I felt clean. I felt pure.

As I washed my whole body I thought of the things Ryan had said to me last night.

"Alex would be no good for you.."

What did that even mean? Why would he tell me that after I told him I love Alex.

Who gave him the right to tell me who to love?

But I had finally admitted it..

I love Alex.

I'm in love with him.

I love him so much.

How could I have been so stubborn before to hold it in and not admit anything?

Holding it in was pathetic. I'm not a pathetic girl. At least not anymore.

Whenever I was done in the shower I pulled a towel around me that was slightly too short. It barely even covered my butt.

I started to get a toothbrush out when the door burst open and the person stepped in quickly and shut it behind him.


It didn't register in my mind that I was almost completely naked in front of him until I saw his eyes run up and down my body.



He stepped closer to me, backing me up against the counter. My hands grasped the top of the towel to make sure it was secure.

"What are you doing Greg?"

His dark features searched my face, even though I wasn't sure what he was looking for.

"What I should have done as soon as I saw you in the airport."

"Wha-" Before I could finish my sentence his lips were on mine and his hands searched my body with such a need that I could feel it too. I need to kiss him.

I kissed him back with as much enthusiasm as he was giving me even though everything felt wrong. His lips were so familiar but they weren't the ones I wanted to be kissing.

He lifted me up so that I was sitting on the counter and somehow my naked legs wrapped around his torso. It was like my body had a mind of its own.

It felt so wrong.

His hand gently touched my collar bone and made its way down my chest. The towel had fallen down.

I didn't care though, I wanted to be kissed. I wanted to be loved.

Only by the wrong man.

I pulled away for a second panting, and shaking from the coldness of the bathroom against my wet and very naked exposed skin. He took that as a cue to move his kissing to my neck, but I gently pulled his face back up to mine.

"Greg this is wrong.." A different expression came across his face. It was like something clicked in his brain.

"You love him don't you?" He said it in a very sad way, and I wondered if that would be what I sound like when Alex tells me that he doesn't love me back.

Heartbreak has a universal tone of sadness. You can always tell the exact moment when someones heart breaks.

"I love him."

He slowly backed away from me, like I was a huge black bear getting ready to attack the little child. I pulled my towel up and watched him as he left. It was painful. Painful for me too, because it finally ended that part of my life. I always felt like things between Greg and I were unfinished, and these few heated moments in the bathroom made me know for sure.

There was no way I could ever love him the same way I love Alex.

It seems like heartbreak sounds like a door closing.


Howdy ;) I apologize for the three month no update period I hope I can make it up to you guys. Why do you think Ryan doesn't want Alex and Spence to date? Tell me in the comments :)

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