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[Serena's POV]
I had just finished all my classes for the day and I was currently waiting for Ash to take me to my dorm room, since I didn't know where it was. "Where is that Ash?" I asked impatiently while Sylveon nodded in agreement as she was also feeling impatient, and then about 12 seconds go by and I suddenly feel a hand grab mine and zoom down the hall "what the heck?!" I gasp from the sudden movement and luckily Sylveon has managed to keep up.

"Sorry Selene! I'm in a rush to get to a battle!!" Ash yells as he leads me to the dorms "the desk lady here will help you get your dorm, bye!!" He waved and ran off leaving a cloud of dust behind him, I couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm then spoke with the desk lady for a few moments and got my dorm number.

After a few minutes of searching I finally found my dorm "14B.." I mumble to myself and unlock the door then step in, right as I step in I hear music blasting from another I stepped closer I realized it was one of my songs that I'd duetted with Miette Poffle. Once I stepped into the room I saw a girl with green eyes and dark brown pigtails dancing around her room.

"Gah!!" The girl yelped with a surprised and embarrassed look as she quickly turns off the music "S-sorry about that..I'm must be my roommate Selene" the girl smiles at me and I can't help but smile back "yes I'm Selene, I actually really like that song you were playing" I grin and turn the song back on as Shauna looked surprised and we danced in her bedroom together while laughing.

Yes I know it's short, I'm writing this at like 1am cause yeah..and I apologize for the long waits as usual for new chapters, one day I'll be better at this..

~Em 💗

337 words..

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