A battle to remember

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[Serena's POV]

The next day seemed to come really quickly, I dragged myself out of bed and went to my bathroom to wash my face and wake up. But once I did that I got that flashback of what Ash said last night..

"N-no of course not! Me and Selene are just friends! I'd never kiss her so soon like that and I'd rather be her boyfriend or something before any of that!"

I felt my face flush..from what he said it seemed to her that maybe he'd consider herself to be a potential lover, I then left the bathroom and quickly got dressed in my usual attire, had a quick breakfast then made my way to class.

Most of it was just normal and then came my battling class that I had with Ash..He didn't go and greet me though, Gary the principal's grandson was keeping him busy by challenging him to a battle.

"Alright everyone listen up!" My battling teacher, Leon who's the champion of Galar spoke up. "We'll be doing practice battles in pairs that I've created beforehand." He said as he started reading out the names, then I heard mine.."Serena and Ash!"

I kinda panicked a little due to the events of last night, I just hoped that maybe he has moved on from it. Mr Leon said we're allowed to use only one Pokémon, I decided to go with my first Pokémon Braixen, "Alright Braixen let's do this!" I said excitedly, I didn't know how strong of a battler Ash was except for the class yesterday when he battled Alain who's a senior at the school and almost won. I heard Ash saying he was gonna battle with Pikachu, once the pairs were all set we were instructed to start when we were ready.

"Alright Pikachu let's start this off with iron tail!" Ash cried as Pikachu's tail lit up to a silver colour, "Braixen dodge it and use flamethrower!" I said as I watched Braixen dodge Pikachu's attack then used her flamethrower on him. "Wow Serena you're really good, but the battle is just starting! Pikachu use thunderbolt!" Ash said with a smirk and I yelled out "Braixen use psybeam!" I said with a smile watching as thunderbolt and psybeam collided and purple and gold sparkles showered through the battle field, I heard some of my classmates gasping at what happened but it wasn't gonna stop me!

"Use fireblast!" I grinned as Ash had slightly let his guard down after the shower of sparkles and he panicked when Pikachu didn't dodge and therefore got hit by the fire. "Pikachu are you okay?!" Ash asked with worry in his voice, luckily he was still okay. "Serena you're really strong! Alright Pikachu use quick attack then thunderbolt!"

At that same moment I told Braixen to use flamethrower both moves collided and there was smoke and dust...

"And the winner is..."

OOP THE WINNER IS A SECRET! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

502 words...

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