Backstory(Filler lol)

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Relationships of (Y/n):
Shota Aizawa: Father(Alive)
(M/n) Aizawa: Mother(Deceased)
(U/n) (L/n): Uncle-(M/n)'s older brother(Deceased)
(A/n) (L/n): Aunt-(M/n)'s younger Sister(Alive)
(G/m) (L/n): Grandmother-(M/n)'s mother(Deceased)
Rei: Basically her aunt who's better then (A/n)(Alive)

Mother's Persona: (M/n) was a sweet and gently person. Even with a powerful quirk (Elemental Control) she did not want to be a hero. She wanted to start a family and own a flower shop. She did succeed in one on those dreams. But sometimes flowers just don't bloom.

Uncle's Persona: (U/n) was a caring but strict man. He loved his family dearly but always kept them out if trouble as best he could. He became a teacher somewhere in Tokyo. He also help teach (Y/n) combat. He tried being a hero but learned he was meant for a different job. But not ever lesson is taught perfectly.

Aunt's Persona: (A/n) was a trouble maker. She did everything she could to get in trouble, despite the lectures from her older siblings and mother. She did this because she was the youngest and wanted attention. But this set her in the path of being a villian and that's what she did. Her plans were unmatched to others. But plans don't always succeed.

Grandmother's Persona: (G/n) was a mixture of an A and B type person. Depending on the situation depends on her mood. When (M/n) and Shota started dating she made sure nothing bad happened. Though that failed when her daughter, (M/n), became pregnant at age 15. But still, she was overjoyed about having a grandchild after getting over her disappointment. But a mother's love doesnt always last.

Backstory: After (Y/n) was born she was watched mostly by (G/n).(M/n) would usually come home with her best friend Rei. Rei loved (Y/n) and couldn't wait for a family of her own. Rei even explained that the name of her first child would either be Touya for a boy or Fuyumi for a girl. Either way Rei was basically her aunt.

Because of (Y/n)'s birth all the attention was targeted to her and her parents. (A/n) got jealous. When (M/n) were 22 (A/n) murdered her in cold blood. She then murder her brother and mother. She almost murdered (Y/n) but was saved by Shota and other pro's. (Y/n) was only 7.

(A/n) got away. She did small crimes but mostly wasn't seen. Until 9 years after the murders. She started targeting her brother-in-law and his class. Mainly because she aimed to kill (Y/n) but needed a cover up. And thus that's how the story ends up to where it is.

(BTW I plan on posting a lot more chapters. Some will be about capturing (A/n). Others will be with (Y/n) advancing her relationship with Class 1-A. Also I'd probably focus on 3 or 4 characters a chapter. Anyways thanks for reading my story so far and happy birthday Todoroki, IDC if it's a day before.)

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