Chapter 6: A normal day

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Your POV

I awoke from a ray of sunlight peeking through the window and onto my face. That hasn't happened in a long time? My alarm! I looked under my pillow for my phone which wasn't there. 

I then looked on my dresser to see it sitting there. I grabbed it and unlocked it. I was already in my alarm setting. It was turned off.

My password isn't easy to solve, so someone with a quirk that can hotwire a phone. It only leaves Jiro and Kaminari. Kaminari is to stupid to that tbh so it automatically goes to Jiro.

I sighed and stood up to stretch. My wrist hurt while doing so but I ignored it. I walked out of the room to find Sero and Kirishima carrying baskets out of the laundry room.

"Oh hey sleeping beauty's up" Sero commented. I only glanced at the baskets. 

"What are you doing? Do you need help? Here let me do this!" I asked/said trying to take some baskets.

"No, no we can handle it, we're manly people. Plus your wrist is hurt remember" Kirishima said as they walked by me. I only gave them confused stares. Who rejects offers other than my dad?

When I went to the bathroom to apply make-up to find Aoyama staring at himself. 

"Ah bonjour (Y/N) allow me to apply your make-up" He said in his french accent. I only smiled and sat down. 

"Mercí Aoyama" I replied as he applied more makeup then I would usually.

"We should also have you a glamorous outfit Oui?" Aoyama asked. 

"Sure, why not." We then rushed to my room an he went through everything in my closet. He ended up grabbing a thigh length skirt. Under the knee socks and a crop top steatshirt.

 Under the knee socks and a crop top steatshirt

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We happily left my room with some playful banter

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We happily left my room with some playful banter. I then went to the kitchen for food. There I found Sato pulling out some pound cake. The smell filled my nose and I immediately wanted some.

He noticed me and cut a slice of it. He placed it on a plate and handed it to me. 

"Arigato Sato" I said digging into the slightly hot cake. It was delicious and I couldn't stop eating. Once I finished and I noticed the aching feeling in my wrist.

I was using it to eat the cake and I was so into the taste that I didnt notice it. "Are you ok?" Sato asked my staring a my wrist as I craddled it. I smiled a comfort smile "Yeah I am".

But the my arm was grabbed and my sleeve was rolled up. I watched as Todoroki unwrapped the bandages on my wrist. 

"You should be more careful, you could worsen you state" He said. When it was fully unwrapped there was a dark purple bruise and it was very swollen.

He applied ointment to it and re-wrapped it in clean bandages. "Arigato Todoroki" 

"You can call me Shoto if you want" He mumbled.

"Arigato Shoto" I wonder if my smile could get wider.

In the corner of my eye I saw Kaminari carrying stuff and trip. I used air to make his landing softer and to not have everything crash to the floor. "Oi, Shit head! Be fucking careful" Bakugou yelled at him.

"(Y/N) it is not a good idea to have your quirk activated when in the state of injury" Iida said making hand chops. 

"Is it scientifically proven?" I say well allowing the stuff to be set on the floor.

Momo then entered the conversation. "Actually yes, Azami was a person who looked into quirks and effects of them." She quoted, "If someone is injured and/or pregnant quirk usage can hurt themselves (more) and/or the child" She explained.

I only pouted at it. The both smiled at my and blushed slightly. I must admit even though I hate it, my poutings cute.

I walked over to Kaminari who was on the ground and being yelled at by Bakugou. I offered him a hand up and he took it. I winced but I was barely noticeable. "

Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry for the trouble" He said.

"Oi brat, you winced, your hand hurting again?" Bakugou asked. 

"Technically it's always hurting a little but I'll be fine. I might take a nap though, I'm still tired." I said.

They both nodded and moved out of the way of the hall. I waved at them with my good hand and went into my room. Mina and Jiro were all in there cleaning up. But i ignored them, I might as well sleep as much as I can.

Word Count: 854

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