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In the last chapter: "She opened her eyes"

*Delirious' POV*
She opened her eyes I backed away looking at her eyes they were red just like how any of ours would get when we had thirst problems she needs to hunt she looked around analyzing her surroundings

*Y/n's POV*
I opened my eyes feeling more alive then before I looked around the room to analyze my surrounding I looked at the bookshelves and then a flower pot with beautiful white roses and then looked down at my stomach to see my baby bump gone I sat up and looked around for Jon to see him standing by the window he shakily held his hand out I walked over to him he put his hand on my cheek and smiled sadly
Delirious:I thought I lost you...
I put my hand over his hand he smiled again
Delirious:We're the same temperature now
I nodded not saying a word we then walked over to the mirror I looked seeing myself in a beautiful dark red dress my hair looking thicker and better then it did before my eyes red almost the same red as my dress my body less pale but I still am pale just a tiny bit I looked more better I wasn't so skinny my face had the small pink flush to it like it did before I didn't have bags under my eyes nor my face looking so skinny (You know how in twilight breaking dawn 1 Bella's face was like really skinny? That's how Y/n was to look in this story)
I smiled And turned to Jon he smiled and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug he grunted as I had a strong grip and pulled him for a hug unexpected and strongly
He chuckled
Delirious:It's your turn not to break me babe
He joked I smiled before I was turned he wouldn't like to hug me too tight because of his strong grip and he was scared to even "have fun" (if you know what that means I'd rather not say it the other way)
Or when we cuddle he didn't want to have a strong grip as he was worried about me
Delirious:You're stronger then I am right now so please don't break me
He joked I smirked and grabbed his butt with a strong grip he chuckled and kissed me passionately I kissed back Suddenly I pulled away he looked confused
He smiled
Delirious:He's perfect
Y/n:Where is he? I have to see my son-
I tried walking away but stopped as my throat started to burn really bad I grabbed it and made a face of discomfort Jon grabbed my arm in a reassuring way
Delirious:We need to get your thirst under control first baby
I nodded we left the house running through the forest we stopped and I saw a doe (Female Deer) I was waiting to attack it when the wind blew and I smelled a way more better scent human blood I stood up and looked around trying to figure out where the smell was coming from Jon knew what was happening
Delirious:Baby no......
I ran over to the mountain nearby and saw a mountain climber with his veins on his neck showing very clearly and him almost faking scrapping his leg on the rock causing his leg to bleed I climbed the mountain fast with no problem Jon followed me just as I was about to continue climbing to the guy Jon grabbed my arm and sighed
Delirious:Baby I'm sorry I didn't think there'd be anyone climbing this mountain near where we'd be hunting
I grunted as the burning in my throat increased
Y/n:I h-have to get away from here
I said in a strained tone he nodded
Delirious:I can-
Before he could finish his sentence I jumped off the cliff I couldn't be hurt by the fall so it was fine I can't technically be hurt by anything so I'm fine
I immediately went over back to where the Doe was I hid as the doe made eye contact with me I went around it as it was eating grass then attacked it once i finished I wiped the blood off of my mouth and Jon smiled as we walked back home as we arrived to the front door of our house he chuckled
Delirious:you did good babe you ran away from a human while hunting....And you're a newborn not even a mature vampire could do that
I smiled
Y/n:Thank you baby
He nodded as we walked inside mini came running to me
Mini:Hey Y/n
He then walked away back into the living room Craig (Mini) didn't say anything to Jon he walked away I looked at Jon confused his happy emotion seemed angry now I could sense it and he looked angry
Y/n:What happened while I was gone?
Delirious:Let's go see Luke
We walked into the living room Tyler turned around with Luke in his arms I was confused as Luke looked a lot bigger for a newborn
Y/n:was I out that long...?
Moo:No it was only for like a day but he's growing a lot faster then a normal new born baby would we're trying to figure out why he could be growing so fast but we have nothing
I looked at Jon to see him staring at mini with an angry expression he was angry again
Y/n:Babe what's wrong
Delirious:Why don't you ask Mini what he said when I tried saving you
I looked at mini confused
Mini:What? What'd I say
Tyler just shook his head and I finally got an idea and felt angry i guess Jon,Evan and Tyler could sense it because Tyler took Luke Jon tried calming me down knowing I'm stronger then anyone in the house
Y/n:Jon don't touch me I don't want to hurt you
He took his hand off mini looked scared I grabbed Mini by the shirt and brought him outside

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