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*Y/n's POV*
We got home and I immediately went to mine and Jon's shared bedroom And laid down I smiled
Y/n:I missed my bed!
Jonathan walked in and chuckled he laid down beside me and held me in his arms
Delirious:I'm so glad that we're all okay
Y/n:Me too babe
He started to rub my belly
Delirious:And I'm happy my baby boy is okay
I smiled and then our baby kicked Jonathan gasped
Delirious:I felt him kick!
I laughed and nodded
Y/n:He's been kicking for four days now not constantly but he will whenever he feels like it
I said and giggled Jon smiled
Delirious:My boys a strong kicker
I nodded and looked down to my belly to see a little baby bump I frowned
Y/n:isn't it a little early for me to be getting a baby bump?
Delirious:I don't know babe we can ask Brock
I nodded and we got up and went to Brock who was in the medical room putting things in the cabinet he looked at us and smiled
Moo:Hey guys you need something?
Delirious:Y/n was curious is it too early for her to be getting a baby bump?
Brock looked at my stomach and then pointed to the bed
Moo:Go lay on there
I nodded and went over and sat on the bed and laid down Jonathan stood beside me then Brock came over with the portable ultrasound he squirted some of the gel on my stomach then moved the wand around looking at the little monitor
Moo:The reason why you have a small baby bump already is because your baby boy is growing faster then a normal baby would...
Y/n:Is our baby a vampire?
Moo:It's hard to say
Y/n:Oh okay well thanks Brock
He nodded and put the stuff away I wiped the gel off of my stomach and me and Jon went back to our room and laid down cuddling watching movies

*The next day*
I woke up to Jon's side of the bed being empty I frowned and groaned he then walked in with two plates of food I smiled and made grabby hands he chuckled and put the food down I wrapped my arms around his torso
Delirious:Babe I got to go grab our drinks
Y/n:Noooooooo don't leave me
I said in a dramatic way he laughed
He started to walk but I just followed with my arms still wrapped around his torso
Delirious:Babe this is weird
Delirious:Yes love
Y/n:I don't care
He laughed I giggled we walked into the kitchen the guys looked at us weird
Daithi:Why are you holding onto Jon like your life depends on it
He asked chuckling
Y/n:Because he's my husband and I can do so if I want to
I then stuck my tongue out at him he laughed and put his hands up in defense
Daithi:Okay okay I was just wondering
Jonathan grabbed out drinks and walked back upstairs I waved with one arm my other holding Jon we got back to our bedroom I let go and sat on the bed
Delirious:Want to watch movies?
Y/n:Yes please babe
He smiled and nodded and put on F/M (Favorite Movie) we sat on the bed eating our breakfast and watching movies

*Time Skip to 2 weeks later*
*Delirious' POV*
I woke up earlier then usual i looked over at Y/n she looked bad she was pale and so skinny her baby bump was pretty big and it was bad because of how skinny she's gotten she had dark bags under her eyes and her face was skinner then it was she got worse as time went by but all I could do is be there for my Queen I sighed looking at her I kissed her forehead before leaving the room and going out onto the back deck looking at the forest and mountains it was raining early this morning and it's a light drizzle I sighed and then started to cry suddenly the sliding glass door opened I wiped my tears and looked to see who opened the door it was Evan (Vanoss) he sighed
Vanoss:You okay Del?
I nodded and sniffled but smiled
Delirious:I'm fine
Vanoss:No you're not
I sighed he sat down beside me
Delirious:She's so skinny now and so pale...And it's not helping with how big her baby bump is she's sometimes in pain because of the big baby bump and how skinny she is
I said looking at the trees then mountains
Vanoss:She will be okay Jon she's a strong woman
Delirious:What if she won't be okay? What then? How am I gonna raise that baby by myself?
Vanoss:You won't raise him by yourself.....You'll have me and the others to help you
My vision blurred as tears threatened to fall out then I just let the tears fall I cried and Evan hugged me I held on tight
Delirious:I don't wanna lose my wife Ev
Vanoss:I know Jon.....I know
I cried as he hugged me

*Y/n's POV*
Delirious:I don't wanna lose my wife Ev
Vanoss:I know Jon.....I know
I sighed as my husband cried He started sobbing while Evan hugged him my vision blurred as tears threatened to fall soon they fell and I just wiped them and went back to my room I changed into maternity pants and a big shirt my baby bump has gotten big that I needed maternity clothes I laid on the bed watching F/T/S (Favorite tv show) Jonathan came in his eyes were slightly red I knew it was from crying
Delirious:Oh hey babe
Y/n:Hi my love
He smiled a little I smiled back he came and laid beside me I looked at him
Y/n:Baby I know you're not okay....you were just crying outside
He sighed
Delirious:You don't look so good baby....You seem worse
I sighed
Y/n:I know babe...

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