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*Y/n's POV*
It was like yesterday everyone was staring and whispering at me and Jon as we walked in the hallways holding hands I sighed and these girls looked angry I smirked at them then one of them came behind me and pulled my hair I stumbled back but didn't fall I turned around to see her and two others smirking
Y/n:Whats your problem?
I asked irritated because she pulled my hair
??:You're with My man bitch
I scoffed
Y/n:Listen here Bitch he's My man so back off
She rolled her eyes
Y/n:Roll your eyes again see if you can find a brain back there too
She then pounced on me and tried throwing punches  but I blocked them and then pinned her on the ground and held her arms down
Y/n:What you gonna try me again?
She was struggling to get out of my grip but failed then Jonathan came and grabbed me
Delirious:Let it go babe
I sighed and he pulled me up then she got up fast and slapped me I was about to slap her when Jon stopped me
Delirious:Babe stop!
I sighed and walked away then she laughed
??:What you to scared to fight?
I stopped in my tracks and turned around I put my hair up and walked towards her
Y/n:Say it to my face bitch
??:I said-
I cut her off by slapping her and pushing her down then getting on her and punching her she tried fighting back but failed then the principal came
Principle:Stop this right now!
Jon pulled me off again and I stood up she sat up groaning in pain I didn't hit her too bad but she'll most likely have a bruise or two nothing too serious
Principle:In my office Now
I walked to her office right away Jon and the others following she followed behind but none of her friends were even around anymore they must have ran away during the fight
We sat down and the principal sighed
Principle:Do one of you wanna tell me why you both were fighting in the hallway?
Y/n:She came up to me and pulled my hair then said that my boyfriend is "her man"
I said making quotation signs
??:No I didn't! She's lying!
I scoffed and turned to the Principal
Y/n:Go ask my boyfriend or our other friends they know because they were there the whole time
She nodded and went out to where the guys were I turned to the girl
Y/n:Don't you dare try and Lie you came up to me you pulled my hair you started the fight don't try and pin it on me
She rolled her eyes at me then the principal came back in with Jon
Principle:Jon here tells me that It was Leah that started the fight
Her name was Leah i didn't even know her name until now
Leah:no it wasn't
Delirious:yes it was! You pulled Y/n's hair then said that she has your man I wasn't ever with you!
Leah opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it after
Principle:Well Leah if you did cause this fight you will need to be suspended
Leah:No no no please!
Principle:You'll have a week suspension since it's Tuesday you won't be able to come back until next Tuesday so phone your mom or dad to come and pick you up
She sighed and got up and stormed out
Principle:As for you Y/n you'll also have to be suspended You won't be able to come back for the rest of this week you may show up Monday though
I sighed and nodded and walked out I grabbed my bag and Jon followed
Delirious:Let's just go home baby
I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked out to the car we got in and he sighed
Delirious:I don't even wanna come to school anymore...you know this is like the 4th time I've been in high school?
I frowned confused I looked at him
Y/n:what do you mean babe?
Delirious:Well obviously since I'm a vampire I live pretty much forever...and the reason I had to repeat in high school was because I'd just drop out of school and never go for the rest of the year same with the guys we'd all drop out and never go back for the rest of the year but then we decided to just try and finish school but we'd always have to repeat...
He chuckled and nodded
Delirious:But I'm just gonna give up on school now I'm not gonna go anymore
Y/n:well if you're not gonna go then I'm not either
Delirious:Why babe?
Y/n:Because I will be lonely without you guys and I'm tired of school also
Delirious:are you sure that's what you want to do though babe?
I nodded and he smiled a little
Delirious:Okay then
He turned the car on and drove us back to the house the guys came home after school was out they had to squish in the car since we took the other one
Daithi:We need to get another fucking car
Lui:Yeah we do
Moo:I can agree
Terroriser:Fuck yeah we better get a new car
I laughed because they were annoyed of squishing each other in one car
Delirious:Well if you fucks Want another car so bad start saving up money so we can spilt on getting another one and you'll all need to help pay for whatever we need to for that car too
They immediately agreed I laughed again
Y/n:Or we can just take my truck
They turned to me
Vanoss:Oh yeah Y/n has a truck!
Mini:Can you explain as to why you're just Now telling us this?
Y/n:I forgot about my truck to be honest
We all laughed

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