chapter two

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[ NOTE: Character Name Change ]

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"Driving myself into an early grave but that's okay
I could use the sleep"
FREE THROW - 'Victory Road'

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Dinner was...awkward.

Oliver had given both her and Tommy a hug when he'd finally come downstairs with Thea, but the action had been stilted and unsure, as if Oliver hadn't been entirely convinced that they were both real. Cali had just clutched him tightly and taken several deep breaths.

And then they'd sat at the table, and Oliver hadn't touched the food. Cali understood, she did, but he just looked so thin that she had the strong urge to force him to eat everything she put on his plate, just to make him stop looking so hollow and haunted.

"Okay, let's see," Tommy babbled, just to make noise and fill in the silence. He was good at that. Cali just kept watching Oliver, taking in his stiff posture and the wariness evident in all of his taut muscles. "What else did you miss? Super Bowl winners: Colts. Giants. Steelers. Saints. Packers. Black president, that's new. Oh, and 'Lost'. Turns out they were all dead-" he frowned, "-I think."

"What was it like there?" Thea interrupted, leaning forward to stare at her brother. Instantly, the atmosphere in the room cooled.

Cali bit her tongue, noticing the slight flush to Thea's cheeks that indicated she'd taken something. Stupid girl. Stupid, ungrateful girl. Cali wanted nothing more than to hate her in that moment, but it melted away as memories of Thea after Oliver's disappearance resurfaced.

During the weeks and months after the 'Queen's Gambit' had sunk, Cali had been seriously scared that Thea was going to wind up dead. By her own hand or by the hand of the drugs and the alcohol and the strangers from bars.

Looking at the younger Queen sibling now, Cali could understand. She didn't like it, but she understood.

"Cold," Oliver answered, trying to smile. It didn't work.

Cali took a long drink of water. Oliver tracked the motion with an intensity that sent shivers racing up her arms. He looked cautious, defensive. He thought she was going to attack him?

She cleared her throat. "You're home, Ollie," she said quietly, and his nostrils flared before his expression settled into something a little calmer. "You don't have to be on guard all the time. I know it must be unfamiliar, and I know you don't want us to treat you like you're fragile or damaged, but you shouldn't think that something is going to attack you. You're safe now."

Oliver's face gave nothing away. "Thanks for the concern," he said easily. "But I'm just a little tired, that's all."

Cali didn't believe him, but she didn't push. She knew all too well the kind of effects trauma had on people. She had no doubt that there would be nightmares. Oliver had a long road to recovery. She would help him all that she could.

Tommy hummed slightly to break the tension. He pointed a fork at Oliver. "Tomorrow, you and me, we're doing the city. You got a lot of catching up to you. I'll even take you to the library. It's come under new management recently." He winked at his sister.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Moira said in an attempt to regain control of the situation.

Oliver pursed his lips before smiling politely. "Good. Then I was hoping to go into the office."

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