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New POV tiEM :V


I woke up the next morning, sadly. I quickly got dressed and went down to eat breakfast, after eating my salad, I went back upstairs to take care of the rest of my routine. Hmm, my chauffeur isn't awake at this time.. but I wanna get to school early...

I quickly walked down the streets, luckily almost no one was up yet. I turned corner after corner, listening to music with my cloudpods. I started humming, but it grew to whistling soon. Eventually I was full on singing, barely paying attention to my surroundings at all.

"...perfect paradise, tearin' at the seams, I wish I could escape..."

Suddenly I felt something against my shoulder, like I had bumped into somethi-SOMEONE. My heart started pounding crazily realizing I had bumped into a probably stranger. I looked down, and started to apologize profusely.

"L/N....?" the other person asked curiously, as if they sort of recognized me.

"Y-yeah? I-I MEAN Y-YUP THAT'S ME" oh god, so awkward...I look up to see Iida wait what.

"Why are you up so early?" we say in unison.

"Uh ah errr" 

"Y-you can go first, if you want"

"Ladies first"

"U-uhm heh, well I wanted to get to school early and my chauffeur is still asleep so, yeah"

"Oh, well I just wanted to get to school early, it is the prime of education after all"

"S-since we're going to same w-way wanna walk together? I mean heh" I scratched the back of my neck nervously, my face started to heat up as well....great. "If you want to anyways, we don't have to, sorry I'm so awkward heh.  It's to early and I-er"

"Ok, I don't see why not....and you're not that awkward"

"Oh u-uhm thank you"

After that, we continued to walk in silence for the next couple minutes....somehow the silence felt comfortable, and strangely enough, the voices didn't persist once. 

Once we got into the classroom, we sat down next to eachother for the time being and began to talk for a while.

"So L/N, where are you from?" 

"I'm from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and I'm guessing you're from here?"

"Yeah, my family runs a hero agency here, what do your parents do?"

I visibly flinch on instinct at the word parents. Ack, shit stupid. What if he gets the wrong idea...but technically the wrong idea is the right idea? Gah if he finds out and says something my freedom might be over. Or maybe he didn't notice it at all? If he did I have to prepare a valid excuse, what would be one? Like oh yeah, I flinch at the word parents, because I uh was abused in the past and carry mental scars? Too real and honest dammit, the one ti-

"Did I say something er- wrong? It's just it looks like you're worried or u-uh sorry?" he looks into my eyes directly with concern, those damn beautiful eyebrows pressed together- ACK WHAT AM I THINKING?!?

"NO- nonono no reason to be sorry heh, just thought about u-uhm HOMEWORK YES! What did you get on answer 4- I mean question 4 heh"

He raises his eyebrow higher than even my grades.

Iida's POV

Something isn't right... why'd she flinch and then change the subject? Maybe I should not have mentioned her parents, but why? Did they get into an arguement or....mayb- no, the fact that they let her out of the house and be a big celebrity rules out that idea... She's probably just uncomfortable talking about them.

"What are you u-uhm thinking about?" she asked, her face contorted in a worried look, as if she messed up something irreversible.

"Oh uhm why did you change the subject so quick? I mean it's perfectly fine, but you looked distressed."

Her eyes widen and there's something inside of them...like a cry for help. Is she hurt?

"Well uhm it's just ack, my parents and I got into a-an arguement about s-staying for highschool in Japan the o-other day and uh-uhm...y-yeah" 

She's a horrible liar, but something did or has happened between Y/N and her parents...Just wha- no I musn't pry, that is extremely rude. I look into her e/c eyes, only to find that they were staring at me.

W-was she staring at me the whole t-time? I feel my face flush and see her's do the same.

"W-well if y-you *cough* ever feel like you need someone to talk to I c-could help?" I stutter out, waving my arms erratically, barely making any sense, my mind is racing uncontrollably. Why does she make me feel so..like this?

"T-thank yo-you Iida" i quickly steal a glance at her and see her face as red as a strawberry. Suprisingly, cute- cute? Gah what am I thinking?


Suddenly the door to the classroom swings open and Uraraka, Midoriya and Kaminari walk in. Shit. Iida and I jump apart, realizing our close proximity. My face is so red..

"OH were w-we uhm interrupting something?" Kaminari says with a sly smile. Pretty sure I died right then and there.

"NO, NO, definitely NOT" Iida and I say in unison. 

"Sure, suuurreee" pikachu boy winks at us and then goes to unpack his bookbag. Goddamnit, I feel as my face heats up even more...was that even possible?

"H-hi Uraraka"

"Hiya, L/N" I walk over and sit down in my seat.

"SoOOoO you and Iida"

"Not you tooooo" I groan covering up my red face.

"Hehe, well, what do you think of him?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I think he's a good f-friend" Good looking friend, yup, one that suddenly has the power to inflict me with tachychondria. One that, when I'm with him, I feel comfortable in even the silence. One that keeps the voices and thoughts away, just by being beside me. Friend.

"F-friend?" Uraraka mimics me. W h y i tRustEd yOu uRaRakA!

"Yeah friend, anyways you and miDoriYa" I smirk as she blushes and looks over at Midoriya and Iida talking with Ojiro. 

"Anyways subject change" she says hurriedly. Thank the universe.

More students start to file in and soon class begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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