Entrance Exams

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Y/n took a seat in the back row. The recommendation entrance exam hall was unnecessarily huge, due to the small amount of people who actually got recommended. I take a seat next to a red and white haired boy, looks pretty emo....but there was something about him familiar. You felt as if you had similar experiences in life with this kid. Ouch you thought silently.

"Welcome to the Entrance Exams!!" said the announcer energetically "This part of the exam is a test blah blah blah blah". They handed the tests out and oh god they were thiccc like thicc with 100x c's. No problem you thought silently, secretly hating why it was no problem for you. 

You were the first one to finish, apparently in record time. Dammit me, why do I stand out. The practical exams were up next, you accidentally bumped into a tall short haired boy.

"Sorry" you mutter, eyes down. "WOW THANKS FOR THAT PASSIONATE SORRY! DONT YOU LOVE IT WHEN THE PROS ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THEIR WORK TOO?" the boy practically screamed. "..." you start to walk away clearly disturbed by him and his outgoing, loud manner. 

"The Practical Exam this year will be a RACE!! Get to the starting line promptly!" the announcer said once again. Wow, this might actually be pretty hard for me, there's gotta be someone that's faster than me here... She lined up unfortunately next to loud-face. "On your marks....Get Set.....gO!" her push off was good from the ground and she was gaining speed quickly, she saw emo hair was using his quirk, ice? 

Even though he was using his quirk she was still faster without a quirk...oh god she stood out. Loud-face suddenly activated his quirk wind? He caught up to both of them, ok good there's more than one person she thought relieved. With a final burst of energy she and loud-face tied for 1st place.

Finally the interview.

"So what inspires you to become a hero.. Miss.L/N" the interviewer asked. "Well I want to be a hero to be able to help people, I want to help them so that they don't have the difficult life I had. I, before starting my music career lived in Mexico, it's very dangerous and there aren't many pros around to help. 

The government is so strict on pros, it's just way easier to be a villain nowadays and earn the same income as pros. Especially in the more rural regions where small villages and rancheros are the only signs of life, when villains attack, pros don't get notified until it's too late...I want to make a change, I want to be the pro that brings a change!" you say with emotions so strong, even the interviewer is crying. 

Oh no... you were definitely getting into U.A. She then shared her physical stats with the interviewer, the person looked surprised at her stats...oh maybe she wouldn't get in yet after all.

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