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"Heya, Heya wazzup! It's DJ Aika! Today we have a VERY, VERY  SPECIAL GUEST TODAY!!!" the crowd cheered and applauded loudly as y/n walked onto the stage of the famous music night talk show "夜の音". "Welcome THE ONE AND ONLY PHOENIX! I hope I pronounced it right gurl or imma boutta be trampled by a buncha fans!". "It's alright DJ Aika! I love how you say it with your accent anyways" Y/N smiles sweetly. 

"Oh my god! your just as adorable as everyone says!!! Can I call you by your regular name F/N?!?!But anyways back to the real reason why you iz here gurllll! You have become the talk OF THE WORLD GURLL!! Your the NUMBER ONE ARTIST ON ALL THE BILLBOARDS ANY ONE OF YOUR SONGS IS. A. SINGLE. HIT. you are legit THE POP QUEEN!! how do ya do it huh? What inspires you gurrll? What puts that flow into the rivah?!"Aika practically yelled. (god I hate myself for writing that)

"Well some of my past experiences *oh god that was risky saying that* inspire me a-and I er well nature does too and of course the people and various cultures of this world! I've met alot of extremely different people of many different cultures and backgrounds around the world and they inspire me, inspire me to create! And also you can call me by F/N no need to be so formal!". "Dawwhh that was so touching! F/N you are truly an amazing gurl, ya know that not many quirkless people make it big ya know? But you, ya have a gift! couldya show us that gift pretty pleaseee!". Y/N flinched just a tiny bit at the quirkless part, but no one noticed...

"Sure! But I don't think you have a piano in this studio Aika unless magically it appeared outta nowhere haha.". "Oh well.. i guess we can't do tha- BRING THE PAINO GUYS! IZ BOUTTA BE LIT IN HERE". Two guys came onto set, carrying a piano, and placed it right on the performance deck, underneath the firefly lights, making it a cozy scene. "Oh you shouldn't have! For moi?". "YES! Why don't you play your part in Keysey's Song "Crying Flower?! It's such a BEA-U-TEEFULL PEICE!". "I guess so then!" she winked at the crowd and made her way to the piano, she silently reviewed the notes in her head, just to make sure she remembered it. The peice was extremely difficult for a professional pianist to do it, but Y/N was a virtuosa, she had talent beyond any person that lived at the piano. =+=It's not a quirk lmao virtuosos and virtuosas exist irl lol=+= 

After she was done with the peice, they began talking again, suddenly the idea of where she was to go to school came into DJ Aika's mind. "Sooo since you're in Japan for a whole 4 years to work on your own album "Cherry Blossoming" do you have anyplace in mind for school!?". "Oh! Right! I actually haven't thought about that yet..". "Ooooo Maybe You Could Go To U.A. eh? In a recent interview you said you'd want to do some sort of spy/detective stuff in the futureee soo I mean why not start THERE!?"Aika asked plainly. 

"Haha.. you figured it out!, My-" she said the next part with little happiness"Father and Mother actually recommended me to U.A. high........and they accepted the reccomendation...". Y/N didn't want to go to U.A., but nonetheless her parents never ceased to 'amaze' her. "GURL OMG RLY? AND UR QUIRKLESS OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE HISTORY THE WORLD'S BEST GURL IS GOING TO THE BEST SCHOOL! Also, huehuehue you must be really good at all the academic stuff nerrrddd" Aika teased playfully. Y/N froze for a second, no the memories control, control them don't let them resurface she repeated internally to herself. "Sooo homegirl u ready for the outro?!". "Y-yeah" Y/N stuttered. "MK" =+=commence outro idk lmao has something to do with them both singing xD=+=

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