58 [ocean]

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Emira opens the door to see a Park Seonghwa in front of their house, crisp suit and all. He is holding a bouquet of flowers and donning the silliest smile ever - one that she knows is because of none other than her sister. She chuckles seeing how eager the man is; Akira had told her that Seonghwa called out of the blue, saying that he wanted to go on a short trip with her to the beach, just a 2 day 1 night trip for them. The thing that's making her chuckle is that he doesn't look like he's going to the beach, but instead a high-end restaurant as he treats her sister to the most expensive dish.

"Akira!" she shouts into the depths of their unit, "your actual annoying boyfriend is here!"

Akira comes out wearing a yellow summer dress, and if it's even possible, Seonghwa's face breaks into a much bigger smile as he hands her the bouquet made up of baby's breath.

She takes it with a shy smile, even more as Emira whispers to her, "I hope that you don't come back and make me an aunt." Emira winks at the two before closing the door, claiming, "Have fun, but not too much! Please remember your poor sister at home too. Gosh should I open the tattoo parlour or not today and tomorrow? It would be too lonely."

Her voice is drowned out behind the closed door and Akira turns to Seonghwa, who has his arm out for her to hook with his. "Looking good with the new hair colour, Park Seonghwa," she greets him as she takes his arm.

"Anything for you, my-" he smirks, reaching out a hand to tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "-love."

They leave the apartment compound with Seonghwa driving one of the convertibles, letting their hairs whip in the wind as they cruise out of the district, passing by the concrete buildings and tall glass windows to change their scenery to rocky mountains, lush greenery and the ocean that glistens under the sun. Breathing in the fresh air, she puts out one arm to feel the wind caressing her skin, all the way until they arrive at the beach resort.

She waits at the lobby with their bags as he goes over to the counter to check in, the receptionist immediately standing up as he sees Seonghwa, a respectful bow following next. The receptionist almost does a salute but Seonghwa quickly stops him, saying, "Come on, you're over-reacting, Seoho. Glad to see you're doing well besides staying in Desire."

"Sure am." He sees Akira sitting on one of the orange sofas of the lobby. "Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that really the Akira Hwang?" A small smile plays on his lips. "Looks like you guys finally got together after all these years, I suppose? Gosh, we used to ship both of you so much back in Desire; the hottest and badass couple from Medusa. You're here on honeymoon?" He raises up his eyebrows.

Seonghwa waves him away. "Don't say it like that, you're making me blush. Yeah, looks like it happened that way, but it's only just starting." His eyes turn downcast as he thinks and looks back to her. Akira is using her phone to snap pictures of the statues and paintings in the lobby, nodding in satisfaction as she takes another one. "What about you, left your gang for good?"

Seoho shrugs. "Found out it's not the life for me, escaped from that district and here I am, happily running a small resort here. Took a lot of money but it's standing okay. You know, I was surprised to get a call from you saying that you wanted to book two rooms. Was expecting a large crowd but it's really just you and her, eh?" Seoho nudges Seonghwa as the former checks him in and gives him the keys.

Seonghwa blushes as Seoho points this out, claiming, "You really are going to make me shy from all of this. Thanks, Seoho." He picks up the keys and puts two fingers to his brow as a parting gesture.

"Sure, hope you enjoy your time at my humble resort. We don't get that many occupants as it's not a peak season, so you might even get the beach all to yourself."

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